Originally posted by wannabewakeboarder
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Originally posted by Tanner
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Originally posted by da.bell
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I figure this is a chance for me to rag on the 'pansy pylon' put out by Tige. The only pylon in the industry that is not bolted into the stringers (I don't think it qualifies for innovation, however). I have a tiny gel coat crack near mine and found that my pylon was somewhat loose. So remember to tighten the pylon and under most circumstances you won't have a problem.
Wannabe, the pylon on your boat is through bolted to the stringers, so it will pretty much never fail. I have known of failures of the current pylon that is bolted into the fiberglass with an alluminum support glassed into the fiberglass. They started doing the pansy pylon in 2003.
My options are then to pull from the tower or pull from the tow hooks. The tower is not meant for pulling tubes and is not meant for that sort of stress, and the tow hooks are too low in the water and also put the end of a 60 foot rope so far back that unless you pull a tuber 30+ MPH, the wake is too wide.
Now, having ragged on Tige for it, I started pulling my 5 man water weenie from the pylon and have had no problems except for 1 tiny gel coat crack when I discovered the pylon bolt could use at least one full turn of tightening. It still is hard for me to wonder every time I put the rope on there if this is the time that it will lift up and I will be headed for a several hundred dollar repair job.
Rant over...back to your regularly scheduled programming.