I went up on the Tige site earlier this week and requested 2009 literature. I was happy when the wife handed me the envelope.
I slowly opened it and a CD fell out and then I pulled out the literature.
I thought it was great that they turned my request around in so little time.
Without paying attention to the cover I opened up the literature and to my amazement landed on an RZ2 and was surprised that it looks like da.bells RZ
As a matter of fact all of the boats looked like the 2007's with Wetsounds on them, It was a friggin 2008 piece of literature so either 2009 stuff is not available to low life's like me or it just doesn't exist yet
Seems like a little
when the Tigé site and Tigé literature does not show the latest model year.

I slowly opened it and a CD fell out and then I pulled out the literature.

I thought it was great that they turned my request around in so little time.

Without paying attention to the cover I opened up the literature and to my amazement landed on an RZ2 and was surprised that it looks like da.bells RZ

As a matter of fact all of the boats looked like the 2007's with Wetsounds on them, It was a friggin 2008 piece of literature so either 2009 stuff is not available to low life's like me or it just doesn't exist yet

Seems like a little
