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My First Tige... Finally Arrived!!!

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    The lettering on the front of the boat is the rego but they are personalized. You can have personalized rego in that particular state of Aus.


      So I was half right


        I was partially right also.


          Originally posted by da.bell View Post
          I was partially right also.
          Ya gotta give credit to the Jarheads


            Yes, but again it too two of us to get it right.


              Awesome! Congrats on the new ride! 4 Pro 80's! Wow! That's gotta be loud!


                Sharp new ride!! Welcome to the family!


                  Congratulations and enjoy it!


                    Cheers guys, thanks for the comments, were stoked with it!!

                    it didnt come from Daniels dealership, we have the dealership for the north coast of NSW (North Coast Watersports) here in grafton, so dealer servicing for us is only a minutes tow up the road. the guys at North coast have been working really hard to build a tiger presence around this area, as it was mostly dominated by malibus, but tiges are almost equaling in numbers these days!!

                    check out their site is has shots of our river and where our tige reunions are held!!


                    the large letters on the boat are actually its registration number. unfortuneately in NSW we have to have ours 150mm high and clearly visible above the water. they are 5or 6 letters/numbers long and end with the first letter of the state (eg were in NSW so ours is "N", our malibu was from queensland so it had "Q"). its annoying as it ruins the asthetics of the boat a little.

                    here are some shots of the amp install which i really love!! the PDX ams are over 150 wats RMS per chanel (4 ch) so one amp can drive 4 pro 80's. i looked in the pro 80 manual and is says there rated to 150 watts RMS so its a match made in heaven!!

                    the only problem ive noticed is some interference when the engine is running and when the ballast pumps are running. has anyone else encountered this??

                    also with all that weight the tower wobbles, is this alright? does it happen to anyone else? or is my tower about to collapse??

                    here are the speakers

                    heres where we put the WS420

                    here is our faithfull toyota tow vehicle, almost burnt out the clutch trying to pull the boat from the ramp.. not sure if manual is ideal for towing..


                      Wicked Z1 man, congrats! You'll love it.




                          Great looking boat! I also have Pdx amps and I am very happy with them.


                            Awesome looking boat!!!

                            As fr the manual - I towed my old boat with a manual transmission for years. Not sure how your truck is set up, but if the ramp is steep, you could be after nother clutch in short order if it struggles all ready. Make sure you remove all extra weight that you can before yanking it out.


                              Yes, the tower does shake a little but you might want to take the boat into the shop and have them tighten it.


                                Congrats, looks really nice! I bet the stereo is crazy, love it.
                                Other than that, Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play?

