How about this new Tige promotion. Good for hot prospects buying off the lot and picking Tige boats up before end of June.
The promotion:
"Take delivery of a new Tigé from May 27, 2008 through June 30, 2008 and we’ll give you a $500 debit card you can use for gas, watersports equipment or whatever you want. Sign up now and we’ll email you a special coupon to present to your local Tigé dealer."
Great for new buyers for a month
Maybe less if gas goes to $5 like the experts are predicting.
But this new Tige Promotion for 2008 buyers is only good for about a 1 month window of new boat acceptance. Sure Doesn't help the ones who closed deals in late 2007 or early 2008 and took delivery in 2008 but before May 28,2002. Bummer.
With 3 week order turn arounds I would wonder about May/June production quality.
And my dealer said business is good. The sold my trade for what they allowed on my purchase. Cash must be tight for the small dealers.
They are selling some Tiges but not the high ticket ones. 20V's, and Z1's are what my dealer is moving. They are saying when we finally get summer here they will sell more boats. I hope for my sake they do. I don't want to travel 3-5 hours for warranty and 20 hour maintenance.

The promotion:
"Take delivery of a new Tigé from May 27, 2008 through June 30, 2008 and we’ll give you a $500 debit card you can use for gas, watersports equipment or whatever you want. Sign up now and we’ll email you a special coupon to present to your local Tigé dealer."

But this new Tige Promotion for 2008 buyers is only good for about a 1 month window of new boat acceptance. Sure Doesn't help the ones who closed deals in late 2007 or early 2008 and took delivery in 2008 but before May 28,2002. Bummer.

With 3 week order turn arounds I would wonder about May/June production quality.

And my dealer said business is good. The sold my trade for what they allowed on my purchase. Cash must be tight for the small dealers.
