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Who is surfing a Z4?

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    Take it for a spin and see what you think. Have you been on an RZ before? You may have a totally different opinion than what most of us have since you are an expert on the subject compared to the rest of us.


      You will need a different swim platform, but I have to believe that the wake would be pretty similar otherwise. Tim did surf his with the swim platform removed from the boat, so he can tell you what it was like, for sure.

      I'd rather have the RZ4 than the 24Ve, but to me either boat isn't a bad choice and I would likely let price drive my decision. From what I've seen, the 24Ve has an awesome surfwake that would be even longer than the 23v.
      Cursed by a fortune cookie: "Your principles mean more to you than any money or success."


        bentone on here has a 24Ve that has an awesome surf wake (ragboy's is nice too).


          Originally posted by Timmy! View Post
          bentone on here has a 24Ve that has an awesome surf wake (ragboy's is nice too).
          bentone has gone to an extreme also.... Very nice wake but IMO the RZ4 can do it also. Just can't have the manufacturers swim platform on there.


            Teak is the answer for a short term solution to the platform. I checked with my dealer and he has a few older Teak decks that would like get back out on the water. You can find them pretty cheap, This is my next project, to get a teak deck dialed in.

            After having a 22VE and a RZ2 I have to say they surf different, even though the running surface is suppose to be the same.

            We are running 2 v drive sacks in the rear locker, plus the stock 300LB ballast

            I have 3 of the fat bricks I am going to start to test out and also going to start to play with the front ballast a bit.

            Height is good, but I am trying to find a longer pocket. I assume more weight to the front will achieve that but still playing.
            Tige owner since 2006


              Originally posted by Ks View Post
              Height is good, but I am trying to find a longer pocket. I assume more weight to the front will achieve that but still playing.
              You would be correct Ks. Add weight to the front.


                Sorry don't have any pics yet. Still playing with the new platform. But can say that is makes a huge difference. I am able to surf it all day long with just the wife driving. It has great shape and size. But it is a bit short. I have not had enough time to dial it in. But I think with some more weight up front. We can get it there.

                I have a ton of stereo gear as ya'll know. So add in about 800 pounds or more weight overall. Run 2 locker sacks under the passenger seat for about 700 pounds. Throw a 750 on top. Fill up the rear factory passenger side, 225. And fill the front up, 450.

                Has worked great. I am going to try to add more the the front. And then maybe fill the factory drivers rear up. Try some weight on that side as well.

                But can tell you with my new platform. Boat can surf and has a ton of potential.

                Next weekend we have plans to surf all weekend. So I will have some pics for ya'll. (at least of the wave. Can't show the platform. Still in top secret testing phase)

                Wet Sounds


                  Originally posted by wetsounds1 View Post
                  Next weekend we have plans to surf all weekend. So I will have some pics for ya'll. (at least of the wave. Can't show the platform. Still in top secret testing phase)


                    I know I know. It's not me. I have my orders.


                      Originally posted by wetsounds1 View Post
                      I know I know. It's not me. I have my orders.
                      I'll have to talk to Lanny Owens today regarding that.
                      Last edited by da.bell; 05-16-2008, 06:17 PM.


                        Originally posted by wetsounds1 View Post
                        I know I know. It's not me. I have my orders.
                        I figured because as soon as I see the shape, it's off to the wood shop for me!
                        I'm thinking I will prototype out of pressure treated wood and then once it's figured out I can make it out of teak or other wood and then coat it with rhino lining or line-x or something.

                        (sorry for the thread hijack Surfdad)


                          Originally posted by wetsounds1 View Post
                          I know I know. It's not me. I have my orders.
                          So, where you gonna surf that you won't be seen? It's not exactly like your boat's stealthy
                          Cursed by a fortune cookie: "Your principles mean more to you than any money or success."


                            Originally posted by dogbert View Post
                            So, where you gonna surf that you won't be seen? It's not exactly like your boat's stealthy
                            or quiet.


                              We have an 07 24ve with about 600lbs in the front and 700lbs in each rear locker along with another 750lbs on the floor to the side we surf (starboard) plus 4 peps on the same side. It seems the boat could handle quite a bit more weight. We run taps between 5 and 8.
                              My son in the first 2 pics is 5'11" and 190lbs.
                              What are your thoughts on the size and shape?
                              Attached Files


                                That's definately a nice wake, but you're running 3,350 of water and people ballast? And giving up floor space? I am so spoiled. I had about 1,100-1,300 of ballast, all hidden.

                                Although, I'd bet that you could lose some of the ballast by not filling 700 on both sides. That might trim it down to close to a ton. Have you ridden it without filling both rear lockers?
                                Last edited by Surfdad; 05-16-2008, 11:08 PM. Reason: I can't type :)
                                Buy my kid's board!

