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Opening Day for the Garcias

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    Opening Day for the Garcias

    We have been out a couple of times since 4/1 this year, but mainly just to test the new tower, see how the lake is doing, that kind of thing. Yesterday was opening day for us. We usually hit the lake right after lunch til dark on Tuesdays and Fridays until the lake gets too cold or too low.

    Beautiful day yesterday. About 80-85 around 2, but cooled down pretty early, still not FULL summer yet. Water was about 70. Chilly, but no need for a suit.

    First we had to install the surf racks (DBOT5) from the old tower to the new. They just barely fit on the 3" tubing on the switchblade, if you completely remove the inserts.

    This is RJ, I think I could send this image to Hyperlite, something about it to me, just cool.

    Ash always goes right to the bow in the sun.

    RJ, was first out.

    Needs another time out to get completely back to speed, but looked good.

    Ok, the star of the day was the new 2008 Green Loogey from Inland. We had a Yellow Loogey last year, was great, but it pearled all the time, especially when turning into the wake. The new loogey has a better design, and the pearling problem seems to be GONE! RJ was able to do tail slides a lot easier, and even started to attempt air. If he got any, it was BARELY. But this was his first time on the thing except for a quick cold water test. I think he will be getting air this summer.

    Great picture of lake oroville behind us. We are in the North Fork a few miles south of the 70 bridge. Straight back and to the right is the dam, and to the left back there is Bidwell Marina.

    Whitney checks out the loogey. After riding, she decided she liked it better than the Cybershapes we have. Took a bit to get used to the loogey.

    These last 2 are my Favorite pictures of the day. They just explain to me why I love being out there with my family, and why the cost of all this stuff is worth it. Whitney was having a great time, like all of us.

    You can see all the pics HERE.

    The New Tower

    Couple pics of the new tower, in the wild, loaded for play.

    That CAMO colored cybershapes is going to be replaced with a Blue Lake, and we are going to also fit a Red Woody up there. 3 surf boards and 4 wake on the tower.

    OK, this shot could go on the Samson Sports website.


      Great pics, thanks for sharing. I have that same surf rope. That was a xmas present. Can't wait to use it.
      15 Escalade ESV-Black
      08 RZ2-Blue


        Great pics thanks for sharing. That water looks awesome, but sure is low. How far down is the lake from full pond? In some of those pics it looks to be 70 or 80'

        Ride on........................
        I don't want to go to work, take me wake surfing instead!


          Way too much fun. Looking good!
          Mike Allen, Tigé owner since 1997


            Originally posted by scoot18 View Post
            Great pics thanks for sharing. That water looks awesome, but sure is low. How far down is the lake from full pond? In some of those pics it looks to be 70 or 80'

            Ride on........................
            Its very depressing. Not too sure about what the summer is going to be like on oroville. May have to hit black butte later or a couple trips to shasta.

            Oroville is still at 50%, it has barely come up since the end of last season. There have been a few articles in local paper, about how it seems they are still letting a ton of water out, and not letting it fill back up. People are getting upset. They aren't saying where the water is going, and people think its being sold to SoCal somewhere which pisses everyone off.

            Def a bummer.


              theres a lake in central la that is filling up as we speak with sierra mtn water. something near 8 million gallons. sorry guys!


                Not sure if what I have heard but Oroville is going to be a record lows by August. Folsom is going to be low but I am not sure if it will be as low as this year.

                Great shots Rag.... The children all look like they were having a ton of fun.


                  Very nice rag.

                  Like the new tower
                  Everything happens for a reason
                  I live my post whore life 30 seconds at a time


                    rag boy theres allways water in engelbrite they i love to share with tige owners


                      I may have to check it out. How is Bullard's?


                        Englebrite is a very nice lake. Just a little far for me to drive but have done it once and saw the Hoffman sisters there that day. My GF's oldest son was in love when he saw one of them perform a HS 360

                        Boys with hormones.


                          Originally posted by ragboy View Post
                          I may have to check it out. How is Bullard's?
                          i heard it is 90% full


                            Nice pics. Like the tower.

                            I must say I have been dying to get out on the water to play w/ my new toys. We got out 1 time and got rained on. The other times I could go couldn't get a boat driver.

                            Looks like you guys had a great day.
                            2000 21i Tige


                              Those tower halogens are kick a$$. Where do you find kits that will fit the stock (2007 E series) towers??

