Some info from the front lines on Sean. This is from his MOM. She is amazing and I don't know how she is holding up so well. Sean has a wonderful mother.
Good afternoon everyone,
APRIL 29th
"We still have to gown up, glove up, wash up and sanitizes up to see Sean. So MRSA is still in the picture.
And he still has the Pneumonia.
I forgot to ask if he received any blood today.
He is still in Critical condition, since April 10th
Surgery is still planned for Wednesday.
They took out his chest tube and put in a new tube. The drainage is working well but he had air pockets in his neck and they think a new chest tube will help correct this problem.
They are back to giving him the Gatorade looking liquid food instead of the feeding tube.
When they give him the TPN (liquid food)( I think that's the name) his blood sugars go up, so they give him the insulin. So at 5:30 today he wasn't on the Insulin because he wasn't receiving the liquid food.
The great news is he didn't have a fever today. And the fan was not turned on during the day. You go Sean, you keep fighting and we are going to see baby steps of improvement.
Thanks again, each and everyone for everything you all do to help Sean."
APRIL 30th
"Some good news for this mini note on Sean.
His white blood cell count is down and he hasn't had any extra blood in two days"
Good afternoon everyone,
APRIL 29th
"We still have to gown up, glove up, wash up and sanitizes up to see Sean. So MRSA is still in the picture.
And he still has the Pneumonia.
I forgot to ask if he received any blood today.
He is still in Critical condition, since April 10th
Surgery is still planned for Wednesday.
They took out his chest tube and put in a new tube. The drainage is working well but he had air pockets in his neck and they think a new chest tube will help correct this problem.
They are back to giving him the Gatorade looking liquid food instead of the feeding tube.
When they give him the TPN (liquid food)( I think that's the name) his blood sugars go up, so they give him the insulin. So at 5:30 today he wasn't on the Insulin because he wasn't receiving the liquid food.
The great news is he didn't have a fever today. And the fan was not turned on during the day. You go Sean, you keep fighting and we are going to see baby steps of improvement.
Thanks again, each and everyone for everything you all do to help Sean."
APRIL 30th
"Some good news for this mini note on Sean.
His white blood cell count is down and he hasn't had any extra blood in two days"