Ok, I usually don't start threads like this but I gotta tell you. I bought some of the Exquisite Boat Care VINYL & UPHOLSTERY CLEANER W/KIT that Spharis did a writeup on over on his site
and I am thoroughly impressed. This stuff has gotten out stains and dirt that other stuff could not. When pulling the steering cable today, I accidentially got some grease on the vinyl. I tried some of this stuff on it and it took it right off. This stuff even gets the crap out of the grooves in the vinyl. Its some REALLY good stuff and if you have vinyl that needs cleaning, this is the stuff, and its only $10, you get the cleaner, a towel and a brush. Worth every penny IMHO.
Get it here
and I am thoroughly impressed. This stuff has gotten out stains and dirt that other stuff could not. When pulling the steering cable today, I accidentially got some grease on the vinyl. I tried some of this stuff on it and it took it right off. This stuff even gets the crap out of the grooves in the vinyl. Its some REALLY good stuff and if you have vinyl that needs cleaning, this is the stuff, and its only $10, you get the cleaner, a towel and a brush. Worth every penny IMHO.
Get it here