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What will the kids think to do next?

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    Originally posted by dogbert View Post
    What if they were frowning?
    Probably still banned.....


      Originally posted by billspin View Post
      I guess they got a little bored today and decided to try something different. I must admit it did look pretty good.
      What are the odds of snapping that pic exactly when the ropes are together? I cannot see the rope from the kid in the air. Is it just my monitor (not very good at work).
      Be excellent to one another.


        That is what they are asking on WW also. They think it is photoshopped..... I think it is a true picture and a almost impossible shot made with the lines like that. But, IMO the top 1/2 of the lines look a little wider than the bottom 1/2 of the line.


          Nice wake, great pic.


            Looks like the same pic to me. The one rope is a different color. If you zoom in, you can see that one is green and appears to be somewhat tangled with the other one.
            Cursed by a fortune cookie: "Your principles mean more to you than any money or success."


              Come on guys, I thought I'd get a little more love from my fellow Tige Owners. The photo is real. I have many from the 20D before and after the jump. This one was the best out of all that were taken due to the fact the ropes did align. I love the interest this photo has generated.


                It's an awesome pic!
                Cursed by a fortune cookie: "Your principles mean more to you than any money or success."


                  Originally posted by billspin View Post
                  Come on guys, I thought I'd get a little more love from my fellow Tige Owners. The photo is real. I have many from the 20D before and after the jump. This one was the best out of all that were taken due to the fact the ropes did align. I love the interest this photo has generated.
                  If you did attempt to fool us, we would have to kick you out of our club.

                  Nice photo still. Just bad timing with the camera.... What are the odds that you would take a pic with the ropes that close to one another???? But, very good shot no matter how you look at it.


                    Originally posted by da.bell View Post
                    If you did attempt to fool us, we would have to kick you out of our club.
                    My, my, aren't we a fine one to talk
                    Cursed by a fortune cookie: "Your principles mean more to you than any money or success."


                      Shhhhh!!!! Don't give away my secrets....

                      or anything that everyone else wants to know.


                        Why would anyone think this is photoshopped? I have tons of pictures like this and its purely coincidental that the rope was overlapping the other. Dont see any reason to call it a fake, IMO it wouldnt be worth the time to photoshop something like that.

                        Anyway the wake looks meaty.


                          Got me, dude. Perhaps they're bored at work?
                          Cursed by a fortune cookie: "Your principles mean more to you than any money or success."


                            Awesome pic Bill! Are you kids entering any of the upcoming contests? I will be entering the one on the 18th at Pelican Shores or whatever it's called.

