So Im confused. If the dip stick is in one way it reads a little low. Then the other way it reads higher. Isn't the dip stick the same size?
Check the good old oil today and it read low. It was on the add line. I just topped off last week. I have put like 20 hours in the last week. but should it be going so quick?
and whats the deal with the dip stick reading different depending on which way its in?
can someone tell me.. Is the (add) lettering supposed to face the engine or face away from the engine while in? The techs at the dealership couldn't even tell me. He said to check it on the water. I did by the way. I see no difference if it was in the water or out. It reads the same, so Im callin on that. So which way is correct? If I do it the other way and its reading higher, then I may not have enough in. The other way and its to low.....I and there is to much.
Check the good old oil today and it read low. It was on the add line. I just topped off last week. I have put like 20 hours in the last week. but should it be going so quick?
and whats the deal with the dip stick reading different depending on which way its in?
can someone tell me.. Is the (add) lettering supposed to face the engine or face away from the engine while in? The techs at the dealership couldn't even tell me. He said to check it on the water. I did by the way. I see no difference if it was in the water or out. It reads the same, so Im callin on that. So which way is correct? If I do it the other way and its reading higher, then I may not have enough in. The other way and its to low.....I and there is to much.