well our tigé still hasn't arrived so we were still using the boat our dealer lent us (campion chase), very nice boat has a nice v8, but we used up 120 litres in one weekend :O which in you money is $237 dollars worth of fuel. Our 20i has a v8 and i was wondering what the fuel efficiency was like in comparison, how much roughly would it use up in a weekend/ per hour not going above 30mph. please give replies in litres or UK gallons as i dont know what the American to UK conversion is like. thx in advance
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fuel efficiency
There are alot of variables that will effect you fuel consumption. Number of passengers how much boarding, skiing, surfing or tubing you will be doing. If you are putting ballast in your boat and how often will it be full. Don't forget that a full tank of fuel weighs more than a half tank.
I know that some of these thing aren't huge by them selves but add them up and you could burn a lot more fuel. Just somethings to think about.
Our 22Ve w/340hp uses about 22 liters per (us) hour
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well tht was with 4 people in boat, no ballast, not going above 30, mainly skiing or boarding and full tanks. still seems a bit steep to me and im hoping the tigé doesnt use as much! we have ordered the 350 mpi i think, thx for info guys. how much fuel would you go through in a weekend/per hour 5o'clock?
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Originally posted by donwarwick View Postwell tht was with 4 people in boat, no ballast, not going above 30, mainly skiing or boarding and full tanks. still seems a bit steep to me and im hoping the tigé doesnt use as much! we have ordered the 350 mpi i think, thx for info guys. how much fuel would you go through in a weekend/per hour 5o'clock?http://wake9.com/
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Originally posted by ragboy View PostI have a big 24Ve, and also get 6 gph or about 22 liters per hour with the 340.
I'll show you fuel burn:
Sea Doo Speedster 430 hp Wake burns 2 gallons per mile towing.
That's a half a mile per U.S. gallon.
Look it up, it's a honest take,, all owners and magazine tests are reporting that too, and the Sea Doo is a POS.
We sold it are are looking forward to our new Tige' 340 hp.
A thrifty gas sipper in our book.
Nothing but Tiges' in the future for this family.
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Originally posted by donwarwick View Postthx for all you coments guys! scoot i live in Northern Ireland so thats prob why u hv never heard of enniskillenits really nice i post some pics of it l8r 2day when i get back from work.
I'd love to see those pics. I didn't know they sold Tige's in Ireland. Is there a lot of boating in Northern Ireland?
I'm not sure on how many liters per hour I am burning, I've never actually paid attention. I have a 335 hp engine and no balast usually run with three to four people in the boat and probably burn 35 gallons or 132.5 liters in a weekend.
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don't take this the wrong way, but realistically, you pay to play. I couldn't even tell you how many gallons, liters or anything I use. I fill it up before I go out, and have fun. I know last summer I was out every weekend from April 1 to Sept 1.
I spent roughly 3K in gas for the whole summer. That's not counting the diesel to get to the lakeOriginally posted by G-MONEYIt hurts me to say it but go OU but only for this weekend!!!!