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Looks you get

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    Looks you get

    When I drove across the country with my tige, I got all kind of looks.

    Just about everyone took a second glance, most stared in amazement, some were brave enough to ask what it was.
    At one gas station a group of rednecks were talking and as I slowly passed by they all stopped, turned around, stared and pointed. It was pretty frunny
    Then at walmart this guy in a nice H2 pulled up beside it and just stared for about two minutes.

    so that got me thinking, What looks or comments have you gotten?
    Any crazy ppl you have run into?
    Everything happens for a reason
    I live my post whore life 30 seconds at a time

    I always get people asking me if the tower is for trolling.....I usually tell them well sorta, but not what you're thinking.

    First time I put it in the water after getting the tower on, I was doing it by myself. These four...maybe high-school aged kids....were just taking their crappy I/O out of the water after some "wakeboarding". When I pulled in, they just stopped and stared. Eventually they came over and started asking questions. They have no tower, never heard of surfing, and were amazed that the boat was 9 years old. They thought it was brand new

    I told em next time they were out and saw me to come over and I'd hook em up. Haven't seen em since.
    Last edited by jleger98; 05-24-2007, 03:37 AM.
    Reality is only an illusion that occurs due to a lack of alcohol.


      I like it when your driving down the freeway, and the kids in the car next you are just staring.

      Or better is when you come up to dock with your truck and trailer, and a few other are talking about your tige as it sitting in the water. Then my wife drives it up onto your trailer, and you give them a look as if to say Ya its mine. And drive away with a big smile.
      Tige, it's a way of life!


        I was at the Sandbar a few weeks ago and pulled up between a few Fountains and other big dog boats. A guy came up right away and wanted to check out my boat! He was a Bu owner and wanted to check out the new Tige. They a couple of guys came by and did the same thing. They both use to work for a Tige dealership.

        The best comment came the other day at Topock. I was coming down the ramp and heading to my boat I was passing a few guys drinking beers going in and one of them said pointing at my boat "that boat is bad ***".

        It is always cool to have cars slow down or others ask about your boat.
        Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm.
        Winston Churchill


          We've been asked if the speakers are "crappie lights" and the board racks are rod holders, on 2 different occasions

          It defenetely turns heads where ever we go
          Mikes Liquid Audio: Knowledge Experience Customer Service you can trust-KICKER WetSounds ACME props FlyHigh Custom Ballast Clarion LiquidLumens LEDs Roswell Wave Deflector And More


            I think its funny how people driving down the highway look at the boat then speed up and look at the people in the truck.

            I think on every trip at a gas station along the way someone asks, What lake are you going to? Or just comment thats its an awesome boat.

            The best was this guy talking to my dad at the pump and then as he drove away with his family stop by the boat takes a look, shakes his head like"Damn!", and then drove off.
            Common Sense is not so Common
            Looking for fat chicks for long walks, romance, cheap buffets, and BALLAST.


              Some think the tower is for fishing.
              Perhaps a Crows Nest of some sort they reckon.

              Some get Tige' mixed up with Teague Marine, depending how you pronounce it and the stories start.

              One guy walked up to us one day in shop worn out K mart cloths,, I looked in his eyes and someone was in there with him, and had nothing but bad things to say.
              A nut case for sure. We ignored him.
              Saw him again at the sandbar in his raggity Azz, dock rash Gayliner with his Big 5 wakeboard and a 300 lb wife.

              Always good comments though.
              Wakeboard Boats, especially Tige', is a culture.
              Last edited by Wake Bandits; 05-24-2007, 02:07 PM.


                Last weekend as I was gassing up a guy pulled into the pump next to me with an old speedboat. You know, the kind with the 454 right behind the driver that sits about 6" out of the water. He was pretty cool though, he asked what the things on the tower were. I told him they were speakers. He replied with Man they sure are spoiled these days, I have a radio but can't hear it over my engine. I just thought to myself imagine that champ.


                  Just a few days ago while gassing up I had a guy ask me if I won the lottery. I told him “No Sir” and he made the comment, “Well you got more than me”.

                  I also had a guy in a Crownline ask me if my boat was a Tri Hull after explaining to him that it wasn’t he asked “Does it plane faster?”

                  The best though is when people make comments to my wife. My wife usually backs the trailer down our long, really busy and skinny two lane ramp all while having my 2 year old in the truck. Just this past weekend a guy next to me on the ramp said to my wife, “I need you to show my wife how to do that”. Of course he had to do everything, back trailer down and load boat all while is wife was “useless”. This will probably be a topic for another thread though.
                  Last edited by Matt Garcia; 05-24-2007, 01:04 PM.


                    I was at a lacrosse jamboree last weekend watching the final game where my son was playing for the championship. Off to the right is a busy street that a lot of boats go back and forth to the lake nearby. About 2 minutes left in the game my 6 year old starts jumping up and down yelling at the top of his lungs: “Daddy, a Tige. Daddy, look, it’s a Tige.” All 40 people in the stands look at my son and then to the street that he is pointing. I finally told my son that he had good eyes and that looked like a nice boat and his comment was “Sweeeeeeet boat huh!!!!”

                    Well, to make the story sweeter, the boat he was pointing at wasn’t a Tige unfortunately, but I also didn’t have the heart to tell him otherwise. I just enjoyed the moment and the 40 people’s reaction to his enthusiasm.


                      Down here, they don't know what to think. They assume everything is fishing gear. I always get asked what I was "fishing for today". They also don't understand why I can't navigate in stumps, and where my trolling motor is. Good stuff.
                      []) [] []V[] [])


                        I had a guy ask why my boat had a roll bar, told him it was for boat's submursible function so I don't hit my head on docks and other boats! He kind of shook his head and walked away


                          It's my roll cage for drag racing. The lake requires them for running the 1/4 in under 12 seconds.
                          []) [] []V[] [])


                            Last year while pulling our boat out of the lake. I heard a cute little voice yell "Dad, there's another Tige" It was some owner's from out of town, and there little kid was so excited about seeing another Tige. We were kind of tired and cranky, but I kick myself for not stopping and saying hi.

                            I get asked how much the boat costs all the time. How much to fill it up, how much we paid for it, how much the speakers cost, all that stuff.

                            I do like pulling into the gas station and watching the Rednecks try to figure out what the boat is for, or just admire it. But I don't think I'll ever get tired of talking about our Tige.

                            I always feel bad when someone who obviously cannot afford a new boat, but they are rockin what they can afford, has their naive kid say "Dad, can we get a boat like that?" I was in that situation for a long time, and I know how it makes you feel. I'm trying to instill in my kids that we are very lucky to have such a nice boat.
                            "I want to know God's thoughts, the rest are just details"


                              When we are tied up at the beach and people come over and ask if they can check out your boar and ask you all kinds of questions. .....Why did you buy a Tige? How much? Why did you tint your windows? Do you like your boat? How fast is it? Is that a surf board? etc.....I never get tired of talking about our Tige and all the looks we get.
                              Put your hand on a hot stove for a minute, and it seems like an hour. Sit with a pretty girl for an hour, and it seems like a minute. THAT'S relativity. Albert Einstein

