I am sure that you will be taken care of. I agree that you may have jumped to a conclusion on stopping payment. I would have given them and TIGE' a chance to get it fixed with in a reasonable amount of time. A boat is a mechanical devise built by Imperfect Human beings. Things can happen. Now if they did not step up and take care of that kind of issue with in a reasonable amount of time I would just tell them to unwind the deal. Your state should have a 90 policy protecting you or Lemon Law. It is an engine. They are so easy to replace and change in boats that when you get a new one your boat should still be brand new. I have seen how they put them in at the factory. They use the same procedures that your dealer will use. TIGE' and your dealer will take care of you. I feel your pain and I mean that some of these guys know what I have been through and in a way it was much worse than just one simple item. TIGE' stepped up and took care of it along with the dealer once the dealer principal (owner) found out what was taking place with his service manager and I. Two weeks max to get that engine replaced is what I would give them. Keep us informed as to what is going on.
