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SpringTime Get Ready Thread...New Boat owner's look here

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    Originally posted by Tequilasun View Post
    Take time in open water to learn how to drive your boat, then when you get in a pressure situation, things won't be so hectic.
    Great advice, every day gets a little better but it is still a little nerve wracking in tight areas.
    "a what? i can['t] say/spell/pronounce that word..." - wannabewakeboarder
    "the plural of boo is booze."


      New boat owners-practice trailering and putting your boat on a trailer at a non busy ramp.

      Check bilge for any water, gas, leaks, smells, noises, trash, tools, clothes, koozies, and anything else (in doms case beads). Go over your to do list for the year.
      Common Sense is not so Common
      Looking for fat chicks for long walks, romance, cheap buffets, and BALLAST.


        Check prop nuts and make sure your block plugs are in after you dewinterize.
        The sun never sets on a badass


          Air up and inspect trailer tires.

          Check with your lake's law inforcement agency to see if any new laws will be in affect.

          Sit down with your insurance agent for a policy review. If you,ve added lots of $$$ in stereo upgrades, etc, in the off-season, you'll want to make sure your limits will cover it.
          Mikes Liquid Audio: Knowledge Experience Customer Service you can trust-KICKER WetSounds ACME props FlyHigh Custom Ballast Clarion LiquidLumens LEDs Roswell Wave Deflector And More


            Ok, so this isn't just for new boat owners:

            Inspect your boat for loose nuts, bolts and electrical connections.
            Cursed by a fortune cookie: "Your principles mean more to you than any money or success."


              you forgot a $ when you were talking about steros, it should b have 4 of these($$$$) I know Coach's Wetsounds were in 4 digits
              The sun never sets on a badass


                I found this on another site- thought it'd be applicable here.

                Please read this. very important for the Newbie Partiers out there!

                Tying Up

                1. Bring your own bumpers. This is REQUIRED, not an OPTION. You must have two of them.
                And I know all the idiots that don’t have real bumpers, try to use inner tubes, life jackets, beer koozies, blow up dolls, if this is you – YOU’RE AN IDIOT. Go spend the 23 bucks to buy a decent bumper so you don’t fudge up other peoples boat. You own a 20 to 30 thousand dollar boat but can't spring 40 more bucks. You’re a Tool, don’t ask to tie to ANYONE! (Except pontoon boats the will quickly destroy your precious wake board boat, thus making the boating event even more fun for the rest of us)
                It is nice to have 2 extra bumpers, I would suggest only using these when there is boat of EXTREMELY HOT Women that want to tie up and don't have bumpers.
                Put out your bumpers before you attempt to tie up. Do it when you get within 100 ft. of any boat. This makes you look 'friendly'.
                Get others in your boat to help with the tie up. Have them ready to throw ropes.

                2. Bring your ROPE. This is REQUIRED, not an OPTION. Usually TWO Dock Ropes are required.
                This is similar to the bumper issue. Don't bring shoe string, kite string, dental floss, or bungee cord - ROPE, and good stuff at that! (Dock Rope does not include any of the following: Anchor rope, lassos, phone cords, electrical cords, or dread locks.)
                Have the rope out and on the cleat. Don't be digging for it when your floating next to someone, they came to party not fudge around waiting on you, so be ready when you get to them.

                3. How to Tie up.
                Once you find someone you would like to tie up with, don't just assume they want you to. Come up slowly, and get their attention, then ask if you can (yelling is fine because you should be around 40-50 ft away). I also use a hand signal, like I am mixing something in a bowl with my finger, then point at their boat.
                If they bobble in ANY WAY, or have ANY excuse, move on. Trust me on this. They are dicks, and you don't want to be there anyway. Whatever their excuse it is meaning less to you, go find a different boat - and a more friendly party.
                Once you find someone that says it is fine to tie off to them, come in slow, at a 30deg angle to their boat, nose first. Get your person on the bow of your boat to throw them a line, then reverse and pull the back around. Well before this point your bumpers should be out. Make sure to adjust your bumpers for maximum cushion between the two boats.

                At this point your ropes should already be tied to your boat. Tie of to their boat. Keep the lines loose until the boats are perpendicular and then apply equal pressure to the bow and stern (front and back) lines.

                ALWAYS leave the manufactured end of the rope (one that is looped) on your boat. This lets anyone know when untying, that it is your rope.
                Tire NOT to tie up to anything except a CLEAT or SKI HOOK, if you do, let the other person on that boat do it. (you don't want to rip off something because you tied it wrong)
                DO NOT EVER tie KNOTS in ANY ROPE, if you don't know how to do a tie off on a cleat, learn, or learn to use self-cinching slip-knots. (There is nothing more that pisses me to have a knot in a $10 6 ft rope - with often will not come out)

                Once you are tied up, this is a good time to introduce yourself to the boat next to you, offer them a beer if or smoke if they are in need.

                4. Boarding other Boats
                It is usually cool to board other boats, and use them to walk over to boats far from you. BE COURTEOUS!
                Don't WEAR SHOES!
                Always ask "Can I come aboard" - If they say YES ONCE, there is no need to ask again.
                Always bring a beer or drink with you. They will usually offer if you run out, but don't go empty handed.
                If they tell you something about their boat, like don't shizzle IN THE BATHROOM. OBEY THEM! (retaliation is bad, but that is another story)
                Don't just assume you can do anything on their boat you do on your own. LIKE SMOKE, ask first!
                Help others on and off your boat as well as other peoples boats.
                House Boat Boarding
                Be especially careful on Houseboats, these are either rented, or can be the persons home on the lake, Don't snoop around, and ask before you do anything, such as go in the cabin, or on the roof deck, or to the bathroom.

                5. Listening to Music
                This is probably the hardest part of this whole event. If you want to listen to your stereo, fine, but don't assume that everyone wants to hear the shizzle your listening to.
                If you turn yours on and the boat next to you turns theirs up, then they are dicks or don't like your crap. My tip is to listen to theirs, then your battery wont be dead when you decide to leave.
                If you have yours on and most of the people around you are not playing theirs, then see if they are dancing or parting to your music, if so, ADJUST the volume ACCORDINGLY! Remember some people just want to talk.
                If you do run your stereo, DO NOT LEAVE YOUR BOAT RUNNING TO KEEP THE BATTERIES CHARGED. The exhaust is behind the boat, and too many people are breathing it in. (If your a wake boat, with a tower, with three thousand speakers on the tower, just go fudge off. Too often your boats are full of homo's and you listen to some ecstasy induced rave music that EVERYONE thinks is shizzle anyway.)

                6. Untying from the Boats
                When you decide to untie, tell the two boats on each side of you, let them tend lines over you so when you pull out, then can pull themselves back together.
                Make sure when you start your motor there is NO ONE swimming near you!
                Make sure your bumpers are still tied to your boat, not someone else's.
                Mind the NO WAKE zone until you pass the markers!
                Thank everyone!
                Freude am Fahren.


                  Good write-up, Ruune! The only thing I'd add is that if you see a flotilla of boats tied up, be conscious of your wake. Everyone hates the guy that throws the big wake 50' from a big floating party...drinks spill, people get dunked and boats get damaged.

                  ...and don't ask to smoke on my's not allowed
                  Cursed by a fortune cookie: "Your principles mean more to you than any money or success."


                    Smoking on boats drives me nuts. Not only are there fumes that could go boom, but almost everything on a boat is pretty easily damaged by a stray ash.

                    Typically if I see some one try to light up, I let them know that we don't allow it, I will even let some of my smoker friends know that most boat owner's don't allow it. Most of the time everyone is ok with it, but once in awhile someone pitches a fit. Those people are no longer invited for lake weekends, and I find it funny when they ask why.

                    Shoes too, some people just don't get the shoe thing.
                    "I want to know God's thoughts, the rest are just details"


                      Originally posted by Tequilasun View Post
                      Shoes too, some people just don't get the shoe thing.
                      That's 'cuz they're never around when you have to fix your upholstry!
                      Cursed by a fortune cookie: "Your principles mean more to you than any money or success."


                        Check your spare trailer tire, and if you don't have one, GET ONE!

                        Ambivalent? Yes. Or Not.


                          My first time out I always start mine in the drive way with a fake a lake before ai head to the launch. Just incase the battery doesnt have enought charge......hate to launch and look like an idiot!!


                            Grease the wheel bearings on your trailer!!


                              Check tower bolts(If this applys)
                              The sun never sets on a badass


                                Tire NOT to tie up to anything except a CLEAT or SKI HOOK

                                What about a tower?
                                The sun never sets on a badass

