ok, that's three, one more and I'll buy the case. It's around 8-9 bucks for a pint. I think, plus the shipping to ship it, which should be nominal.
No announcement yet.
I guess I will pick up Teak oil and I will have it shipped to my office. Once I get it I will send out the Pay Pal thing again and I will send out individual bottels rather than paying freight charges. I can send this stuff US mail cheaper. Let me know if that sounds okay to everyone.
Okay, I called to get exact pricing on the Teak Oil. There is all kinds of options. We can get the Meguires for 11.85 for a 16 0z or we can get the best stuff on the market StarBrite for 16.99 and that includes shipping of the product. But for most cases that is also the retail price in most stores. Let me know I can try to work the price a little more and refine it some.
Thank you
Anhaney: My product arrived today. Dont know about the contents, but recieved two boxes and that is about what I had expected. I will not be able to open/inventory until I return home this weekend.
As I've expressed before, thanks a ton for putting all of this together. I really appreciate all of your efforts on this!"Under certain circumstances, profanity provides a relief denied even to prayer." Mark Twain
I think how the teak works is if we only buy one bottle it's just as cheap as the store, but if we buy a case it's a lot cheaper. Not sure though. Andy is super busy with his 8-5 job, so we will just wait and see.Originally posted by G-MONEYIt hurts me to say it but go OU but only for this weekend!!!!
It appears you guys are all getting your products. This is good news. Please let me know when you get it if you have not already. In most situations you all have received it in less than seven days from the order time or right on seven days. This is good and I appreciate each one of you playing a roll in this. I have learned a lot and had a great experience doing this.
Originally posted by Domsz06 View PostI didn't get mine in 7 daysoh wait, that's cuz It's my fault and was gone!! J/K Anheny!! Keep up the good work, I know your busy!!