As the title states, we took the plunge! First, let me begin by saying there was nothing wrong with our TAPs 3. We have thoroughly enjoyed the boat and so far it has treated us right. However, like many of you, we are always trying to get the best possible wave we can. We have 1300 pounds of lead and the largest bags Tige makes for our year. The wave has been $ with the help of elevatedconcepts and thegerman618. Quick note; if you follow their previous recommendations on here for settings, you can’t go wrong! Don’t reinvent the wheel (or wave in this case). They spent many hours getting the most out of the Z3. Now, back to the upgrade. I was admittedly nervous, as I always wonder if the grass really is greener on the other side. As far as I know (and I may be wrong here), there aren't many examples of GSA on 2015 Z3s out there. Germaine Marine So Cal did all the work and went out on the lake with us to water test it. We are 4 hours from where we keep our boat, so we left the lead at our lake home. All of the information provided in this initial review is with stock weight! Here are my big 3 takeaways so far;
1. Best investment I’ve made to date with this boat!!! Yes, 3 exclamation marks were necessary,
LOL. The wave had more than enough length, push, and height. It performed MUCH better than the TAPS3 with 600 pounds lead (300 on each side). I would never recommend running the Z3 with just 600, but it worked ok when we didn’t want to load all the weight one day (never again).
2. GSA can and does link up with TIge Touch 2. This was important to us before the purchase. Germaine Marine So Cal reassured us and followed through with their promise!
3. Biggest regret? Not doing it sooner. If you are always looking for a better wave but can’t pull the trigger on a $100,000+ boat for whatever reason, this is your best possible solution in my opinion.
I know someone will ask for pictures and videos if I don’t include them, so I’ve shared a few below. HOWEVER, I will not post videos until I can get the lead in her and you can see what an awesome investment it was for us. The picture of the wave below doesn’t do the discussion justice, as the conditions weren’t great, and it’s stock weight. Stay tuned to this thread for a few weeks, and I’ll show you what this beast can really do! I can’t wait myself!
1. Best investment I’ve made to date with this boat!!! Yes, 3 exclamation marks were necessary,
2. GSA can and does link up with TIge Touch 2. This was important to us before the purchase. Germaine Marine So Cal reassured us and followed through with their promise!
3. Biggest regret? Not doing it sooner. If you are always looking for a better wave but can’t pull the trigger on a $100,000+ boat for whatever reason, this is your best possible solution in my opinion.
I know someone will ask for pictures and videos if I don’t include them, so I’ve shared a few below. HOWEVER, I will not post videos until I can get the lead in her and you can see what an awesome investment it was for us. The picture of the wave below doesn’t do the discussion justice, as the conditions weren’t great, and it’s stock weight. Stay tuned to this thread for a few weeks, and I’ll show you what this beast can really do! I can’t wait myself!