Hey everyone! Just a quick heads up. If you ordered BABz before we were offering the plug removal tool, let me know (preferably via email info@babzusa.com). I’ll send you the tool and some extra plugs free of charge. All new BABz orders come with 1 extra plug and 1 tool per BABz.
EDIT: Also wanted to share a quick tip. I like to clip or tie my personal BABz up on top of the bimini when I won’t be cruising at high speeds. They are light enough to sit up there no problem. If you have surf pockets like I do, the clips for boards makes it even easier. May look a little funny. But it works! I always do this when we've been at Devil's Cove and are going less than a mile to get home.
EDIT: Also wanted to share a quick tip. I like to clip or tie my personal BABz up on top of the bimini when I won’t be cruising at high speeds. They are light enough to sit up there no problem. If you have surf pockets like I do, the clips for boards makes it even easier. May look a little funny. But it works! I always do this when we've been at Devil's Cove and are going less than a mile to get home.