Hi everyone! I am sure for a lot of people, like me, fuel is one of your main expenses for every outing and any cost savings is a welcomed relief! My MP 340hp is no gas sipper so with gas prices on the rise and temperatures warming up I wanted to share with the community some easy ways I have found to reduce fuel costs at the pump.
I have been saving on average $25 at the pump over the last few weeks. I fill up 7-8 times a month so these savings add up quickly and are achieved with little to no effort.
So how do you do this too? Well, it is simple! I do it all by combining 2 free fuel rewards apps and by making an account or requiring a new passenger to sign up (a small price to pay for a day on the lake! right?). The 2 free apps I am using are "Fuel Rewards" and "Getupside."
Here is how it works and how you can save too:
Fuel Rewards offers 5¢ off a gallon at at Shell Stations, every time, up to 20 gallons per a transaction. Now this is where your passengers, familys, kids, freeloaders etc come in- when someone else signs up with your link they get 25¢ off a gallon and you get 25¢ off a gallon after their first use. (Sign up can be done on the way to the pump) This combines with the 5¢ you get off automatically for a combined savings of 30¢ off a gallon up to 40 gallons (2 transactions of 20 gallons). That's $12 in savings!
Now let's reduce that pain at the pump even further! The second app Getupside, is a post purchase cash back app and can be combined with Fuel Rewards. This app allows you to have funds over $10 transferred directly to your PayPal account or converted to gift cards (lots of options). Here is how it works- Shell stations offer 1¢-50¢ cash back on purchases up to 20 gallons every time and the amount will vary daily and with fuel grade. But again we have bonuses to take advantage of too! 20¢ per a gallon worth, now this combines with that fluctuating cash back amount that I mentioned earlier. When you first use the app and enter offer code "FTNNK" you get a welcome bonus of 20¢ and when one of your buddies uses it, then and you will receive another bonus of 20¢ back per a gallon. I have received anywhere from 21¢-55¢ cash back per a gallon by doing this. On 40 gallons this is anywhere from $8-$22 in cash back. Combined with Fuel rewards that is $20-$34 in savings every time!
So if you have read this far you're ready to sign up and start saving! but it is also time for my shameless plug cause I obviously like saving!
So how do you sign up?
Fuel Rewards-
Visit and sign up at here: Fuel Rewards by signing up with this link you will get the 25¢ bonus and so will I (thanks!) then you can send your own link to your friends to follow my procedure above
Vist the app store
Search "GetupSide" and download
Enter code "FTNNK" to get that 20¢ off cash back reward (which will grant me 20¢ back too, thanks!) then follow my steps above to keep getting rewards
Happy saving!
I have been saving on average $25 at the pump over the last few weeks. I fill up 7-8 times a month so these savings add up quickly and are achieved with little to no effort.
So how do you do this too? Well, it is simple! I do it all by combining 2 free fuel rewards apps and by making an account or requiring a new passenger to sign up (a small price to pay for a day on the lake! right?). The 2 free apps I am using are "Fuel Rewards" and "Getupside."
Here is how it works and how you can save too:
Fuel Rewards offers 5¢ off a gallon at at Shell Stations, every time, up to 20 gallons per a transaction. Now this is where your passengers, familys, kids, freeloaders etc come in- when someone else signs up with your link they get 25¢ off a gallon and you get 25¢ off a gallon after their first use. (Sign up can be done on the way to the pump) This combines with the 5¢ you get off automatically for a combined savings of 30¢ off a gallon up to 40 gallons (2 transactions of 20 gallons). That's $12 in savings!
Now let's reduce that pain at the pump even further! The second app Getupside, is a post purchase cash back app and can be combined with Fuel Rewards. This app allows you to have funds over $10 transferred directly to your PayPal account or converted to gift cards (lots of options). Here is how it works- Shell stations offer 1¢-50¢ cash back on purchases up to 20 gallons every time and the amount will vary daily and with fuel grade. But again we have bonuses to take advantage of too! 20¢ per a gallon worth, now this combines with that fluctuating cash back amount that I mentioned earlier. When you first use the app and enter offer code "FTNNK" you get a welcome bonus of 20¢ and when one of your buddies uses it, then and you will receive another bonus of 20¢ back per a gallon. I have received anywhere from 21¢-55¢ cash back per a gallon by doing this. On 40 gallons this is anywhere from $8-$22 in cash back. Combined with Fuel rewards that is $20-$34 in savings every time!
So if you have read this far you're ready to sign up and start saving! but it is also time for my shameless plug cause I obviously like saving!

So how do you sign up?
Fuel Rewards-
Visit and sign up at here: Fuel Rewards by signing up with this link you will get the 25¢ bonus and so will I (thanks!) then you can send your own link to your friends to follow my procedure above
Vist the app store
Search "GetupSide" and download
Enter code "FTNNK" to get that 20¢ off cash back reward (which will grant me 20¢ back too, thanks!) then follow my steps above to keep getting rewards
Happy saving!