I know we got quite a few pictures and a good amount of video I'll get something edited up probably Friday or saturday
No announcement yet.
MEAD 2019
Another great time at the reunion. Actually it was much better than we thought it would be. We were up and on the water before the sun came up Friday and Saturday and enjoyed mostly glass water. The other half of our group ended up not being able to make the trip due to a family issue that came up so our boat was very light weight. Yet we had the best surf wave we have ever had. Can't get over over much fun it was. The best part is that I still don't think it's fully dialed in. When the wind got too nasty on Saturday we headed over to the Hoover Dam and took the tour. We've wanted to do that for a long time and this became the perfect opportunity. The dinner and prizes that night were great! We won a surf board and a new Protect All boat cover. And I just found out they are throwing in a swim platform cover as well!
This was likely the last reunion we will attend. My family would like to thank all those involved with putting it on and for making it such a good one. We really feel like we owe so much more than what a "thanks" can cover. It's been great meeting new friends and putting names to faces. Hopefully we will see you again.
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As I am finishing up mailing the last of the 49 Thank You cards to our wonderful sponsors from this years event, I realized I never got around to thanking some of you for your assistance with this years event. Please bear with me here, as the list may be lengthy (and unfortunately not all inclusive... I may forget someone. Please forgive me if I do).
First and foremost - my wife Pam! I couldn't have done it without her. I feel so fortunate to have her.
Jim Linden (and Jeff) - Thanks for hauling quite a few boxes for me. I was stressed about having to possibly make two trips. Thank goodness you helped me avoid that.
Devin and Erica - The projector, laptop, etc. You two were a HUGE help this year. Thank you both.
Dan & Christy Theisen - Helping with the cake. A lot more work than people realize. THANK YOU! Also, thanks for the generator again and sponsoring the event again this year!
Brad and Jennifer - The Ice Cream! Pam and I truly appreciate your contribution to the event and her Birthday! Also Jenn for helping with the meal. Thank you!
Gil and Jennifer - Thank you for the lights and help setting things up.
Tim Toohers - Thanks for coordinating the demos, even if the wind made your job a little easier than planned (dang it!).
Toohers men - Thanks for all your help setting up for the dinner and taking everything down.
Brad and Meighan - All your help with the raffle. I have come to lean on you heavily for this, and I'm thankful you are always there to help!
Beck - HUGE help setting up and tearing down for the dinner and raffle. Cory, it's been such a pleasure watch him grow into the gentleman he is becoming!
Nic and Candice - The nice gifts! Candice, you missed a spot!
Brandon Allen - Help with the Brigade Boards and the upcoming event video.
Ben Barborka - Thanks for lending a hand during the video set up.
Jason Robertson/Germaine Marine - Sponsoring the Event, the Dinner, and already placing the deposit for next year! SEND IT!
Again, I am sorry if I forgot someone. I truly appreciate all the help we had this year. THANK YOU! Please continue to watch this thread, as we have a request coming soon for pictures and videos (trying to figure out what collection method will be the best).
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I've got a couple more videos to edit up but here's the 1st one. Mom skiing one of the mornings before the wind wind blew in.
Also 1 kinda fun picture I found on the GoPro from it getting accidentally switched to camera mode
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A final Thank You to all of our Wonderful Sponsors who contributed to this years event. We truly appreciate everything you do! Acme Marine Group, Greenfield Products (Anchor Buddy), AO Coolers, AGENDA SURF, BABz, Boat Bling, BoatJuice, Boatmate Trailers, LLC, Brigade Wakesurfing, Buster Wrench, CaddieBuddy.com, Outer Armor by Commercial Sewing, Connelly Skis, Dan Zeeone, Danik-Hook, DomedNumbers, Driven Marine Wax, Exile Skimboards, Flojos, Fresh Air Exhaust, Gator Step So Cal, Germaine Marine, Hula Boat Care, Hyperlite, Idol Surfboards, Impact Boat Fenders, Lakesurf, Lakewakes, Lead Wake, Liquid Force, Liquid Lumens, Mothers Polish, My Anchor Pal, Neptune Surf, Orion Safety Products, PTM Edge, Ronix Wakeboards, Rusty Surfboards, SC Wake, SeaDek, Slide Anchor-Box Anchor, Slingshot Wake, Soulcraft, Theisen Industries, Tige Boats, Victoria Skimboards, WakeMAKERS.com, Wake Outfitters, and Wet Sounds!
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Ended up with alot of lost footage from the reunion this year due to camera(operator) failureI did manage to get these 2 edits of myself riding
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Originally posted by MtnMan210 View PostEnded up with alot of lost footage from the reunion this year due to camera(operator) failureI did manage to get these 2 edits of myself riding
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Originally posted by MtnMan210 View PostEnded up with alot of lost footage from the reunion this year due to camera(operator) failureI did manage to get these 2 edits of myself riding
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Got an awesome package in the mail this week. I won a boat cover by Commercial Sewing at the reunion. I winterized the boat on Saturday and then put the new cover on. When ordering the cover I asked about purchasing a swim platform cover to go with it. To my surprise they just threw it in! I thought that was great. I'm sad the boat is put away for the winter, but super happy that it's covered up in a nice new blanket. Thanks again to Dave for getting us some pretty nice prizes, and thanks to Commercial Sewing for the hook up.
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TeamAllen (Brandon) has graciously agreed to put the event video together this year. If you would like pictures or videos considered, please upload them to http://teamallen.synology.me:5000/sharing/CYt1uonQz. Please keep in mind, he has complete editorial control. They won't all make the cut. We are asking everyone to have everything loaded by Friday, November 15, 2019. Thank you Brandon!