Ok, while I believed to have searched and read just about every valid thread on this subject, I'm still running into challenges diagnosing the problem I'm encountering with my 22Ve.
2008 Ve
225 hours
Vortec 5.7
Original owner
The boat has a noticeable miss around 1300-1400 rpms and will not go above 30 mph and the throttle needs to be feathered to get it to come up on plain and attain the higher RPMs, (won't rev beyond 3000rpm under load). This problem seemed to have come and gone a few times, but now I cannot seem to overcome the issue, (after a forum search I ordered and replaced the fuel system). I've also replaced all wires, plugs, and cap and rotor, (prior to the fuel system) this seemed to help but now the issue/miss has returned.
Just installed
New Low pressure fuel pump
New High pressure fuel pump
New fuel filter (old one was clean)
Added Fuel water separator inline at tank prior to low pressure pump, trajectory and location of fuel line exactly the same.
After installing the fuel pumps, I had a very difficult time getting the boat to start and the miss is still apparent. When I finally, got the boat started it continued to struggle on restarts. given this I have not taken it off the lift, but was able to simulate a small load on the lift, and as of 6pm yesterday boat wouldn't start again.
I do not have any water in my fuel, fuel is good, new, and treated.
The new HPFP is making a little noise and is going to be swapped under warranty, fuel pressure at rail is good.
Compression checks out, all holes registering 185-187.
I purchased a cap rotor that had brass contacts, vs the aluminum ones, as the brass is a better conductor, although I'm wondering if this cap it creating a crossfire scenario.
Uncertain if this is a sensor issue, or throttle body issue, or just a simple cap and rotor problem.
Any assistance or guidance on where I can start to get this sorted out will be appreciated.
2008 Ve
225 hours
Vortec 5.7
Original owner
The boat has a noticeable miss around 1300-1400 rpms and will not go above 30 mph and the throttle needs to be feathered to get it to come up on plain and attain the higher RPMs, (won't rev beyond 3000rpm under load). This problem seemed to have come and gone a few times, but now I cannot seem to overcome the issue, (after a forum search I ordered and replaced the fuel system). I've also replaced all wires, plugs, and cap and rotor, (prior to the fuel system) this seemed to help but now the issue/miss has returned.
Just installed
New Low pressure fuel pump
New High pressure fuel pump
New fuel filter (old one was clean)
Added Fuel water separator inline at tank prior to low pressure pump, trajectory and location of fuel line exactly the same.
After installing the fuel pumps, I had a very difficult time getting the boat to start and the miss is still apparent. When I finally, got the boat started it continued to struggle on restarts. given this I have not taken it off the lift, but was able to simulate a small load on the lift, and as of 6pm yesterday boat wouldn't start again.
I do not have any water in my fuel, fuel is good, new, and treated.
The new HPFP is making a little noise and is going to be swapped under warranty, fuel pressure at rail is good.
Compression checks out, all holes registering 185-187.
I purchased a cap rotor that had brass contacts, vs the aluminum ones, as the brass is a better conductor, although I'm wondering if this cap it creating a crossfire scenario.
Uncertain if this is a sensor issue, or throttle body issue, or just a simple cap and rotor problem.
Any assistance or guidance on where I can start to get this sorted out will be appreciated.