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Tige Touch

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    Tige Touch

    I have a 2013 Z1. It looks like the TigeTouch has a bubble in the top left corner of the display. I attached an image of it. The device functions normal. Just afraid it will expand. I checked the paper work and it is still under warranty, parts only. Going to bring it up with the dealer. Just the dealer is 4.5 hours away. Curious to see if anyone else has had a similar issue.

    Have you guys ever seen this before? If so, what was your outcome? Any luck with warranty?

    Thank you.
    Attached Files

    I’ve got something similar on my’14, it has never moved or caused a problem so far.


      Thank you for the reply. Glad to hear it hasn’t worsened. I’m going to mention it to the dealer and see what they say. I don’t think they will do anything since it still functions but it won’t hurt.


        I would get it replaced while its still under warranty, even if its just parts. Could save you a headache in the future.


          Capacitive touch overlay is delaminating from the lcd screen. I have seen them almost completely separate but still work. Still, get it replaced while under warranty.
          Oh Yeah!


            Originally posted by tigemech View Post
            I would get it replaced while its still under warranty, even if its just parts. Could save you a headache in the future.
            Isn’t warranty only 3 years?


              If you purchased it new, its 5 years on the screen. First 3 is parts and labor covered, the last two is parts only covered.
              Oh Yeah!


                Happened on my '12 and they replaced it under warranty. Was a couple of years ago. The new one has been fine.


                  Thank you for the info. Going to run it by the dealer and see what they say.

