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Un happy Tige boats owners

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    Un happy Tige boats owners

    I have a z3 23” 2016 and I use to love it until it start with a check engine from that moment till 7 month later the problem never stop I send it to fix 1 thing and 3 start to fail
    And the factory don’t give a dam now 7 months later my boat still with the dealer and I can’t use it and the factory is telling excuses not solution
    Does somebody here have a similar problem like

    Enviado desde mi iPhone utilizando Tapatalk

    Sounds like your dealer isn't equipped with diacomm. Or isn't communicating with Tige or Indmar. Either way your descriptions of problems are pretty vauge. What you are describing should be a warranty issue and your dealer isn't reaching out for support. Or something else, but to me check engine light on for 7 months if it's been to the dealer means your dealer isn't utilizing the resources available.
    Notice your tag for Tapatalk is in Spanish, is this a language barrier?? Tige is in Abilene so I am pretty sure there is someone that is bi-lingual at the factory.


      I'd bet money on cat/exhaust sensors without any other info to start with.


        X2 on sensors
        surf till u die.


          Exhaust temp sensors... There was in Indmar recall on them.

