Originally posted by boardman74
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Taps 3 retrofit???
Taps 3 retrofit???
Originally posted by boardman74 View PostSome of you guys make me laugh. Tige has been doing this since at least 2012 and its all over this site from end to end. They never offer the parts to refit. Never have. VX, AVX TAPS 3, Wet sounds speaker collars, etc.
Reasoning is pretty easy to figure. People don't need to buy a new boat if they can get the latest greatest innovation from the factory to add to their existing boat.
I'm not hating on Tige....all the manufacturers do it.
You can add new shocks to your old truck but that doesn’t change the fact that it’s still your old truck....
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Originally posted by boardman74 View PostSome of you guys make me laugh. Tige has been doing this since at least 2012 and its all over this site from end to end. They never offer the parts to refit. Never have. VX, AVX TAPS 3, Wet sounds speaker collars, etc.
Reasoning is pretty easy to figure. People don't need to buy a new boat if they can get the latest greatest innovation from the factory to add to their existing boat.
I'm not hating on Tige....all the manufacturers do it.
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If you have someone in your town with a CNC plasma or laser cutter, I will send you my DXF file of a VERY close copy of the 2016 style. After they are cut you will need someone with a brake to put bends in them. They are set up to bolt the hinge to the plate, instead of welding. You could easily omit the bolt holes and then weld the hinge. You could also omit the areas that need to be bent to keep cost down, which would make them more like the newer style. I could adjust the file for those areas. You will need to drill and mount the actuator mount to the tab in whatever place works best for your boat/transom. That means you would have Lencos plastic mount attached to the tab instead of the welded on mount that Tige does.
If you haven't seen it, heres the write up of my tabs.
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Worth noting, that Tige is not the only one that does not or may not, offer retrofit parts for post-build boats with newly released options. Malibu Surf Gate and Nautique NSS. One main reason, companies do not recoup their R&D in parts sales. They have to amortize that expense over boat sales.
As to the mentioned speaker collars, they are are available and included when you buy an upgraded pair of speakers from Tige. Now, before one says, "but they speakers cost more from tige then wet sounds", well, yeas sure, remember you are getting those included collars you wantedIf you could get the collars separately from tige, im willing to bet the total cost would be about the same.
Mikes Liquid Audio: Knowledge Experience Customer Service you can trust-KICKER WetSounds ACME props FlyHigh Custom Ballast Clarion LiquidLumens LEDs Roswell Wave Deflector And More
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I think what you see is the dealer hooking a few people up before it gets the Kabosh. bsreid hit the nail on the head. A few get it, word gets out and Tige shuts it down.
Judging from the people arguing......"YES THEY DO"...on here I see why it gets shut down.
You guys by bragging are actually throwing your dealers under the bus and a reason the flow of these things stops to prior owners. Its really not hard to figure out what dealers 95% of the users on here use. It really makes you wonder....
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Originally posted by UNSTUCK View PostIf you have someone in your town with a CNC plasma or laser cutter, I will send you my DXF file of a VERY close copy of the 2016 style. After they are cut you will need someone with a brake to put bends in them. They are set up to bolt the hinge to the plate, instead of welding. You could easily omit the bolt holes and then weld the hinge. You could also omit the areas that need to be bent to keep cost down, which would make them more like the newer style. I could adjust the file for those areas. You will need to drill and mount the actuator mount to the tab in whatever place works best for your boat/transom. That means you would have Lencos plastic mount attached to the tab instead of the welded on mount that Tige does.
If you haven't seen it, heres the write up of my tabs.
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Originally posted by Jesse View PostI don’t suppose you could send me the dwg file so I could make tweaks to it?
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Doing an aftermarket tab surf system, pending its not a home built that people will question wont hurt value it will help it.
The other thing I can say is that some dealers might have plates from say a boat that someone wanted to switch systems on etc. My number has been listed about 3x, if you want to do it right and want the correct info you can call me or you cant not. Up to you.
List a boat that says taps 3 or GSA and it wont have a hard time selling. Plus there are so much info you are missing. Again, my number is listed.Germaine Marine
"A proud dealer of Tige, Supra, Moomba and ATX performance boats"
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It doesn't really make sense for Tige (or Mastercraft, Nautique, etc) to sell retrofit parts.
Since the hulls don't really change from year to year (except new models) it will limit their sale of new boats.
Plenty of people with more money than sense will trade up to the latest and greatest when a new feature comes out (Like TAPS 3).
Also if TAPS 3 is available to purchase, those smarter first time buyers will buy a 2-3 year old boat and retrofit instead of buying new.
If their dealer says "well we can just order it and install it here on your 8 month old boat for 5 grand, or you can get the new one for 130K and lose your *** on the trade" which way do you think people would lean.
Then Tige makes 500 bucks on the parts, instead of 50K (or whatever their profit margin is) on the boat.
I'm curious how germaine gets away with announcing on an open forum that they have copied TAPS 3 and are willing to install it on a customer's boat.
Quite a few nautique and malibu dealers got in deep water for the same thing when their surf systems came out (for the same reasons listed above).
Neither NSS or Surf Gate is hard to retrofit to an older boat, but anyone caught doing so for profit will end up in court very quickly from what I've read.