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Best Crossover Boat?

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    Best Crossover Boat?

    Hi everyone. I'm looking for a great crossover boat. I want something that I can use on the slalom course and my kids can use for wakeboarding and the entire family can use for surfing.

    I've heard good things about the Tige from the Tige sales rep, but I've also heard good things from the Malibu rep about their boats and the Natique rep about their SV211 (which is apparently the only V-Drive approved for Class 3 slalom tournament skiing).

    I've also read the Tige Discussion Board about ballasts for surfing, and it seems like you need a ballast to really get a great wake. That seems to defeat the overall design of the Tige, as having a fat-sack in the boat is a hassle (I'd rather have it built in).

    Also...I live in the Seattle area...anyone have a Tige out here?


    The only way to know for sure whether or not you'll be happy with your purchase is to try them. Bring one of your kids and your stick and tell the dealers you want to ski/wakeboard behind each one.
    Cursed by a fortune cookie: "Your principles mean more to you than any money or success."


      We have an 06' 21i. We bought it as a cross-over boat. It does well on the slalom course at 34mph and 15', 22', 28' off. Shorter than that you get a rooster tail and longer there is a bump. Slower than 28-30 MPH there is a BIG bump. We also wakeboard, surf and skate behind it. It does well at each. For kids, no ballast will be needed wakeboarding and skating. To surf, 4 people and one fat sac in the trunk will give you a waist high wave to ride. It is as good or better wake than v-drive nautiques and centurions I have been behind plus there is way more room. contrary to popular opinion, you get more room to stretch out in a direct drive vs. a v-drive. Unless you like rubbing knees and feet with everyone onboard stick with a direct drive. Use fat-sacs instead of factory tanks in the 21i. The tank takes up most of the trunk. With sacs, you can still use the trunk when they are empty. You can mount a permanant pump, plumb it to the drain plug and use sacs with quick-disconnects instead of the factory setup. Its cheaper and more practical. I would also recommend getting perfect pass instead of accuset if you are going to ski a course. the accuset take too long to stablize at a speed. Our lake doesnt have enough run up room for the speed to settle down before the start gates. Its a tough goal to have no wake at 32 MPH and a huge wake at 20MPH but the 21i does a pretty respectable job at both. As far a sacs defeating the design of the hull, the TAPS does more wake shaping than enlarging. You will still need ballast it you want to go big. The TAPS then allows you to change the shape.


        Ditto what dogbert says. Ski and wakeboard them all. Drive and ski them loaded like you will use them. The best measure of how the boat skis/boards is at the end of a rope. We tested them all.


          I looked seriously at the Malibus before I purchased my Tige. My impression was that Malibu didn't do as well in the cross-over boat category, they make a good wakeboard boat and they make a good waterski boat. To me, Tige seemed like the clear leader with its TAPS technology.

          My neighbor special ordered a Wakesetter with V25 Diamond hull instead of the V25 Wake hull to get a better crossover boat. I am very happy with my Tige purchase, but if you decide to go with the Malibu, I would look at special ordering a boat with the above configuration.


            If you read Waterski Magazine, there is a boat buyers guide every year. It ranks each boat from each manufacturer.

            The 21i seamed to rank high in all three categories. According to the way I remember the numbers, it was the most versatile boat in the Tige' lineup.

            You probably can look them up from this link Waterski Mag Boat Buyers Guide

            Of course, demo all that you are interested in.
            Mike Allen, Tigé owner since 1997


              Thanks everyone! I appreciate the feedback. Keep it coming

              I've looked at Water Ski Magazine online, but it looks like every boat gets a good review, so it's hard for me to put that much stock in their reviews. I wonder if they can be that objective (since each of the manufacturers are advertisers with the magazine).

              Originally posted by Moki
              My neighbor special ordered a Wakesetter with V25 Diamond hull instead of the V25 Wake hull to get a better crossover boat. I am very happy with my Tige purchase, but if you decide to go with the Malibu, I would look at special ordering a boat with the above configuration.
              Hi Moki! This is one option I'm looking at -- putting a diamond cut hull on the Wakesetter. Malibu has a diamond cut hull that is brand new for 07, and it's supposed to be better than the one they use on their tournament certified Response LXi ski boat. How does your neighbor like his boat?



                I was hell bent on getting a malibu wakesetter with the diamond hull as I like to slalom and my son likes to wakeboard. (I have recently taken up wakeboarding and haven't touched the slalom ski in about a month Anyway, I finally found a VLX with the diamond hull and drove it....and I hated it. The hull is not made for that boat. It floated all over the place and could not hold a line very well. Later on during my search, I drove a Tige 22ve, and now I own a 2007 22Ve....Love it! The taps system does a very good job of flattening the wake out for skiing and ramping it up for boarding. We just tried surfing for the first time the other ballast, three people in the back and had a huge wake with a curl. No, I'm not a sales rep (although I just got a Tige shirt in the mail that makes me look like one as a thank you for purchasing the boat), I'm just really happy with the boat (pics are coming soon)

                Good luck in your search and make sure you drive the V drive with a diamond hull before you order one.


                  my two cents= from a mechanic that works on all brands of inboards i would say stay away from the bu. sv211 money will get you a 22ve and the 22ve much larger more verstile/adjustable boat IMO. i would also suggest a look at the 20v a lower price point that will do everything you are looking for. but by all means if a 22ve is in your budget its the one to have you can never have to much space. but a test drive of all brands is always a must. im sure your gona love the tige.let us know how it turns out. post some pics of your new boat. good luck let us know if you have anymore ?? the folks on this forum are a mighty helpful bunch.



                    Can't stress enough what the others have said about testing all the boats. You will learn a lot about the boats on the water. I spent a lot of time looking this spring before ordering the 22ve. Made a point of at least driving the MC, Malibu, Nautique and the Tige. There are subtle differences between each one that you will discover. I was coming from an 18' I/O and thought the whole test driving thing was overrated since I had no experience in this type of boat. Didn't figure I could tell any difference since I had no experience. That was totally wrong. It's not BS. Get on the water and see what you like.

                    For us it came down to the Malibu with a diamond hull and the Tige.

                    As an example for personal preference, I thought the diamond hull on the VLX performed better than the wake hull. I thought it was a very good crossover option. Guinness thought is was sloppy and I felt like it was on rails (sharp handling). Just two opinions. You will have to decide for yourself. I love my Tige but would like to have some of the malibu features.

                    As for the SV211, from a performance standpoint it was great. I just wouldn't want to spend any more time in the boat than I had to. I found it very cramped and uncomfortable. The seating capacity is overstated. You could buy the 20v that KKO mentioned and have the same amount of room and a ton of money to spend on toys.

                    For a great cross-over boat I would choose between the Tige or the Malibu with the diamond hull for the v-drives. But if you are really dedicated to the slalom course maybe the v-drives are not the best choice. Seems like you need to buy the best boat for the slalom course and then you can add weight to it for wakeboarding.

                    I am sure somebody who is more dedicated to skiing can comment on that.

                    Just my $.02.

                    Good luck with the decision.


                      we one an 03 21 i and love it. i never ski behind, i only board. my mom and dad do occasionally though and really like the wake at about 32-35. i dont have any complaints on the wake for boarding. its not the biggest wake that tige has, but it is rider freindly and comfortable and has awesome ramp for its size. i can land all of my tricks with no ballest no problem. lately weve been filling 2 sacs and that creates a wake more like a v drive would.

                      i wish i could tell you more about it for skiing, but when your at ski speed the wake disapears.
                      its a great crossover boat that handles great and it handles rough water very well.


                        forgot to recomend a test drive thats the only way you will be able to tell if its right for you.


                          Being qualfied for class 3 slalunm doesnt mean that the SV 211 has a better wake it only means that it passed a specified performance test. By far Tiges have the best crossover boats and the other brands are trying to play catch up. Dom@ Fortes Inboard Connection


                            Thanks everyone for your feedback!

                            FIC -- Since the SV 211 uses the Class 3 certification in it's marketing materials (and it helps convince people like me that it's a great waterskiing boat), why doesn't Tige get certified too?



                              Tige does have a certified boat which is the 20i , my dealership owns the boat that was used for certification . It has a 6.0 L marine power and we sponsor the Tampa Bay Waterski Show Team with this boat. Our team has won 3 back to back southern reginal tournaments and this past weekend we won the sunshine state invitational. The boat has been performed perfectly. Dom@ Fortes Inboard Connection

