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Dont Buy an ASR, it doesnt Surf they said.

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    Dont Buy an ASR, it doesnt Surf they said.

    And then...

    Stock? Or have you done hull mods and taps 3?


      I am betting it has a suck gate or velcro gate or whatever gadget you want to call it. It may very well be that it surfs well with a system on it. I posted a while back that my buddy's brother put a suck gate on the side of his ASR and is very pleased with it. Although it looks like a great wave, I am never all that fond of pictures. I guess he wouldn't be posting the picture if he wasn't pretty stoked on what he found here, so it seems like a great find.

      The consensus is still going to be that it will not be all that great if you just slam one side and list it the old fashioned way.
      Be excellent to one another.


        Does anyone still have an ASR to provide listed feedback? How many did they get built before changed the boat

        If you mess with the King's Queen, you better watch your Ace Jack!
        71 Cut Supreme, 70 3 Door Suburban, 08 Tahoe LTZ, 12 F21 Surf Machine!


          Well hopefully I will own a beautiful blue one for next summer. The interior of the 15 is almost the same as first year rzx and it has the hull modified to be just like an rzx!


            I am guessing suck gate too cause boat does not look listed and that wave is long...looks pretty good. Hard to tell with pics as you said tho


              ASR hull mod

              Originally posted by bsreid View Post
              Well hopefully I will own a beautiful blue one for next summer. The interior of the 15 is almost the same as first year rzx and it has the hull modified to be just like an rzx!
              Tell me more about the hull modification. I've been looking here for about a week, and can't find threads on it. There's a white '15 for sale that has it, and am very curious.


                Originally posted by bsreid View Post
                Well hopefully I will own a beautiful blue one for next summer. The interior of the 15 is almost the same as first year rzx and it has the hull modified to be just like an rzx!
                What was done to the hull? I'm guessing it must be something pretty minor.


                  The hull mod is basically a new bottom that replicates it to be very similar to the rzx. Squaring off the corners and filling in the “pie”, along with taps 3. Jason (elevated concepts) is the one to talk to. I know if that white one you’re talking about, it’s a nice boat.


                    Originally posted by Lucky275 View Post
                    Tell me more about the hull modification. I've been looking here for about a week, and can't find threads on it. There's a white '15 for sale that has it, and am very curious.
                    This boat?

                    Be excellent to one another.


                      Originally posted by talltigeguy View Post
                      Negative. It's all white, updated with Tap3 and 4K ballast and Hull mod. Just trying to figure out what the "hull mod" is.


                        He’s looking at this one

                        The one I’m trying to get is from Germaine




                            Setup is Delta wake shaper , Convex deleted, 2000lbs regular, 1500lbs on front.

                            here's another one from last night, sunset was crazy!!


                              Those who say the ASR doesent surf just havent spent the time to tweak it. It can do everything the Rzx does.
                              Germaine Marine
                              "A proud dealer of Tige, Supra, Moomba and ATX performance boats"

