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Vinyl on 2013 R20 and Tige support

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    Vinyl on 2013 R20 and Tige support

    Just wanted to post a quick message on my way out the door. We purchased a 2013 R20 three years ago and have seen the vinyl pull and crack a tremendous amount since the day we brought it home. First the boat is always on a lift under cover, most of the time the mooring cover as well. We only use boat bling and aerospace 303 products to clean and condition the boat. I'd love to say that nobody ever steps on a seat or a cushion, but that is impossible on a wake/surf boat. The tower needs to be dropped to go in and out of the lift and people are always between the transom and the seating areas. I'd love to see someone drop that Vector tower without stepping on a cushion. Anyways, I was back and forth with Tige support because I thought that on some level the cracking and seaming issues should be acknowledged and remedied by Tige. I was not asking for all new vinyl, just the worst of the worst. I was even willing to split the costs and pay for install.

    I waited weeks for a response, and was told that the customer service person was waiting to hear from the "Big Boys" about whether or not they could do anything. After almost a month, I got this:

    "I received word back from the warranty committee that this will not be covered under the warranty. The boat would have been out of all warranty’s to the original owner and it is not transferrable to the second owner"

    -To sum up the story I sold the boat yesterday for less than I should have, and it wasn't that there was anything mechanically wrong with the boat, it just looked more worn than most boats twice its age. I sent the following message back to customer support and hopefully someone at Tige will see that these things are not black and white, they have to be taken on a case by case basis. Hopefully the quality of our vinyl was just a one-off. If not I hope Tige takes care of the rest of them out there.

    (insert Customer support here),

    Not that your probably care, but I thought I would let you know that we sold our R20 yesterday. I know we took a ding on the sale for the vinyl even though we took care of it properly. I am sure that Tige has made strides in the manufacturing and quality of their boats since 2013 as it appears that everyone has. That being said, you have to remember that little things go a long way in this industry and sharing in a bit of the blame could have helped a current customer out.

    We will be purchasing a larger boat in the next few months, and it will not be a Tige. Just thought you and your team should know.


    Well done. I also suffer from the 2013 vinyl scourge. I will be trying the same dance this fall with my dealer.


      That’s definitely sad to hear. Over 370 hours on my 14 and zero problems so far.

      Johnnie do you still have warranty??


        Originally posted by bsreid View Post
        That’s definitely sad to hear. Over 370 hours on my 14 and zero problems so far.

        Johnnie do you still have warranty??
        No. It expired October last year. Boat only has 170 hours.

        My interior only has one bad seam so far. I assume more are pending.


          Lots of posts regarding upholstery failures on 2013s and unfortunately my 2013 R20 is no exception.


            Maybe a collection of us should write an open letter to Tige about the 2013 interiors and see what they do about that.


              It would have been pretty awesome to step up, but I am not sure I would think Tige is all that much to be blamed here. I take it that the boat was bought used, given that 13R20 bought it 3 years ago, and Tige mentioned the warranty would have run out on the 'original owner', and that it wasn't transferrable.

              So I think Tige was right to decline the warranty claim on the basis that the boat has no warranty anyway, and if there had been a warranty, the time has passed.

              What is the original vinyl warranty on a 2013 boat?

              It sounds like an epidemic in if they started to step up for everyone, it may drive the company out of business.
              Be excellent to one another.


                A 2013 R20 would have had that weird Tige R series warranty. It was 1 year bumper to bumper and the one year Tige pays parts owner pays labor.


                  What weird 3 series warranty? Did I miss something? Mine was the normal 3


                    I still feel that this can be resolved with partial help. Not asking for 100 percent reimbursed/ help. You can do things at cost and not go out of business and keep people buying your product in the future. There are options. There is margin.


                      Your boat had a warranty, now you are outside the warranty. Why exactly should they offer more warranty when that was never the original agreement at the time of the sale?

                      As many of you know I have been vocal about the wrongs of Tige, but I don't feel this is one of them. If they were denying vinyl warranty within the warranty period that would be wrong. But since your warranty is expired they are just doing what any other manufacturer would do. Trust me they aren't the first tow boat company to have vinyl issues.

                      @bsreid. Years ago the R20 had a different warranty than the other boats, Tige claimed this was one of the ways they could sell it cheaper. It was one year total and then the second year was Tige parts/ owner labor. No lifetime hull either. This was in place in 2013 I am 100% sure. It stopped in either 14 or 15. You may not have known this because many dealers choose to administer a warranty like the 3 year on the other boats even on the R20(mine did).
                      Last edited by boardman74; 09-22-2017, 12:42 PM.


                        I'll shed some objective light on this subject... I bought a new, leftover 2013 R20 from a Tige dealer on October 1, 2014. The warranty I received was 3 years. Year 1 bow-to-stern parts and labor, years 2 and 3 bow-to-stern parts only. So I am still under parts warranty for another 8 days. Not sure about the hull.


                          @boardman74, if I am guessing correctly you are a Tige Dealer, and I understand you wouldn't want everyone running back to you on vinyl issues from 2013 or any other year. But that being said, this was never about whether Tige should replace anything under warranty, in fact I never assumed warranty would come into play at all. This is about customer support and owning up to what I see as quality control. We can disagree on it but if enough people see these kinds of failures they are going to sort them selves out in reduced sales or Tige stepping up. Hopefully the latter. I have no skin in the game anymore, as I stated my boat is sold. I am simply sharing my experience for those out there looking at used Tiges and for Tige management.


                            I've always said the best place to look for new customers is looking back at your past customers. People who have bought an $80k+ tow boat before are the most likely to do so again. Keeping them happy is good business.


                              I am not a dealer. I did work for a Dealer at a point and left partially because of my disgust for how Tige Corporate handled a new boat I personally purchased in 2014.

                              Trust me I have been around the tow boat industry for over 30 years now. As a sponsored rider, an owner, a dealership employee, you name it. Now I am an accountant and currently in school getting my CPA and MBA in Economics. Thats the mountain I am yelling from not Tige's. I'm about as far from a Tige leg humper as you will get. Read some of my past posts I'm well hated by the Tige faithful on here. Heck a few people cussed my name and ordered me to leave...

                              Bottom line is the boat had a 3 year warranty. If your outside the warranty your outside the warranty. Whether its a boat a car a camper or what not. They put a number on it for a reason, you can't expect them to be responsible for ever. Like I said they aren't the first ones to get a bad run of vinyl. In the late 90's early 2000's MC had a horrible run of vinyl, not just a year but like 4 years. The stuff literally fell apart after 2-4 years. Did MC alter their warranty and give away free stuff, nope. They fixed what they could inside warranty and offered skins at the regular price to those outside warranty.

                              I personally would never own a Tige again. NEVER. So I'm not on their side. Their QC control straight up sucks. I could tell you things that would make you lose you mind if this vinyl thing gets you worked up. But then I'd probably get threatened again if I did that.

