I have been invading other people's threads asking questions like this, and I think it's probably worth it to stop that and just ask directly.
I run a 2013 Z1 Vx with the EX343. Right now I am running a 1433. Ballast is about 800 front, 1600+ rear with suck gate. Currently, depending on ballast, I top out around 3500 RPM.
What I'm finding is two fold - first, when my ballast gets to a certain point (about what I described above), the boat has a hard time reaching surf speed. In some cases, it develops a bad vibration (usually if there is a bit of chop). I took the boat in to the dealer three times last year to remedy. The first time they said it was the distributor, so it was replaced. That didn't fix it so I took it back and they conducted an alignment. That didn't work so I took the prop off (that they had repaired previously) and got a third party to fix it. He said it was a disaster. He repaired it as best he could. The vibration got better but still occurs when the boat is at max.
So I'm sitting today with a question about re-propping again to get even more out of this engine/hull combination, while hopefully removing the vibration. However if I jump to something like an Acme 1873 or a 2079, my RPM will likely get up towards 4000RPM. I read the manual for the EX343 to try and determine an ideal RPM range. All it said was 5200 RPM was the max. I also tried to find the torque curve on that motor. I know it peaks at 430 ft-lbs, but I'm not sure what the band looks like.
So I guess my question is - what is the most prop/RPM I should safely run on this combo? Also, is there another place I might be able to find this vibration.
I rode on szklaruk's Z3 last week and his engine is the same as mine. When his 1235 hits a wall at 3500 RPM, his boat doesn't shake. It just does what it can, then stays there happily.
I run a 2013 Z1 Vx with the EX343. Right now I am running a 1433. Ballast is about 800 front, 1600+ rear with suck gate. Currently, depending on ballast, I top out around 3500 RPM.
What I'm finding is two fold - first, when my ballast gets to a certain point (about what I described above), the boat has a hard time reaching surf speed. In some cases, it develops a bad vibration (usually if there is a bit of chop). I took the boat in to the dealer three times last year to remedy. The first time they said it was the distributor, so it was replaced. That didn't fix it so I took it back and they conducted an alignment. That didn't work so I took the prop off (that they had repaired previously) and got a third party to fix it. He said it was a disaster. He repaired it as best he could. The vibration got better but still occurs when the boat is at max.
So I'm sitting today with a question about re-propping again to get even more out of this engine/hull combination, while hopefully removing the vibration. However if I jump to something like an Acme 1873 or a 2079, my RPM will likely get up towards 4000RPM. I read the manual for the EX343 to try and determine an ideal RPM range. All it said was 5200 RPM was the max. I also tried to find the torque curve on that motor. I know it peaks at 430 ft-lbs, but I'm not sure what the band looks like.
So I guess my question is - what is the most prop/RPM I should safely run on this combo? Also, is there another place I might be able to find this vibration.
I rode on szklaruk's Z3 last week and his engine is the same as mine. When his 1235 hits a wall at 3500 RPM, his boat doesn't shake. It just does what it can, then stays there happily.