It appears they are having way to much fun out west and in texas area. Has anyone ever had or thought about a southeast hook up? Im in Ga and would be game . Obviously it would take some help from the professionals (mead) but may be possible. Or if your in Ga drop me a line, not alot of tiges down here so it would be cool to hook up.
No announcement yet.
Any sort of southeast meet up?
I organized 2 here, back when we had a Tige dealer. Although it was an open invitation to all tige owners, it was concentrated across NC and SC and was a joint venture by 2 NC tige dealers and Gunnells Marine in Greenwood SC, who is still a Tige dealer and some AWESOME Folks.
Sounds you already have a lead organizernow get with your dealer and get it going. Get the dealer and Tige behind, choose a good location. The hardest parts are reaching the owners and choosing the best date.
Id come down for itMikes Liquid Audio: Knowledge Experience Customer Service you can trust-KICKER WetSounds ACME props FlyHigh Custom Ballast Clarion LiquidLumens LEDs Roswell Wave Deflector And More
I would come too if you don't limit to Tige...make it the Southeast surf hookup, all brands welcome!
Not sure how well its organized yet , but there is talk of a surf boat hookup on Norris Lake in TN on Aug 12th, at "Hickory Star"....calling it "Lake Norris surf fest 2017". Think he said something about a facebook page for it too. I am planning to go up on Fri and leave Sunday. Looks like a great lake.
I just booked a room at Hickory Star Marina. They have an Inn with doubles for $95 night...or cabins for $115 night. Below is the link.
Nice thing is that for $10 night extra...I got a boat slip too so I don't have to trailer boat.
I took off work on Friday, Aug 11th and plan to get there about 3pm to check-in and ride some...all day surfing on Saturday...Sunday riding till people leave.
Norris is a cool lake. We attended a tige event up there a couple times back when there was a southern OH tige dealer. I think tige has a TN dealer, but they are west TN and dont know if they do any events.Mikes Liquid Audio: Knowledge Experience Customer Service you can trust-KICKER WetSounds ACME props FlyHigh Custom Ballast Clarion LiquidLumens LEDs Roswell Wave Deflector And More
Langwell- Ill weigh in but not as a "professional". I have been co-coordinating the West Coast Event with DP Powell for 2 years and this will be my 6th year in attendance. Though guys like Chpthril, XPJim, TallTigeGuy, Bad05, and others are the original founding members of the event.
I think its awesome that you would consider either coordinating an event, or at least starting to get the ball rolling on an event. If I may make a suggestion:
Start a thread and call it SouthEast Owners Roll Call (or something like that). Then start a Facebook page named the same thing as your thread and advertise on the active tigeowners Facebook page. You may be surprised to find you have more owners in your backyard than you realize.
Get Everyone together and understand that Not every Tige owner out there is as active in the brand as we all are. I have literally chased a Tige Owner across a lake before like a freak only to find out they didn't even know how to pronounce Tige correctly much less know or care to find out anything about the brand.
Start with 3-5 owners, set a date and tine to meetup at centrally located lake. I promise you the word will spread!! Each year set a goal 10 boats, 20 boats, etc. until you reach maximum capacity for either the work load to coordinate the event or for the area/lodging of your event. Which is exactly where we have been for 3 years with the West Coast Event. We are at max capacity and sell the motel rooms out 10 months before the event.
Tige Corporate- Specifically Gene Wagner. She is awesome and many of us here know her and her husband well as he is the Indmar Rep for Tige. She would be your first call if you wanted to get started with something official with Tige Boats backing you. Next would be your local dealer, while not required, a HUGE benefit to any event. Once the dealer starts to become involved it opens the door to sponsors and may other avenues and directions you could take the event.
I could probably talk for hours on this subject as I love coordinating this stuff and made awesome friends, and met some really cool people along the way. If your serious and want to discuss getting something started out your way, feel free to reach out I am more than willing to share some of the secrets we have learned along the way.My life's journey is not ending up looking pretty, its sliding in broadside, used up, worn out, screaming "What a Ride"
I would only add a few points to Brads recommendations above;
1. Decide up front how big of an event you want this to be. Some people like it to be small and tight knit, others like to go big or go home.Brad and I wanted it to be big, but we are now bursting at the seams (not necessarily a bad thing).
2. Plan, Plan, Plan. It seems crazy, but we seem to have found success in setting the date and starting the process about 10 months out, and having milestones along the way such as a) finding a site, b) putting the word out, c) letters to sponsors, d) emails to sponsors, c) phone calls to sponsors d) the list goes on and on.
3. My last, and perhaps biggest piece of advice... do it with another person. This is fun, but it's also a lot of work. I still don't know how John Colman, Larry, or anyone else for that matter pulled it off by themselves.It helps if your friends with that person as well. You can bounce ideas off of them over and over again for sanity checks if nothing else.
Good Luck and Have Fun!