Originally posted by Greeko
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Thinking About A New Boat
I went and looked at the black and white f24 I posted up about. In a word... Loved it. The only downsides are the snap on cover and the seats. I can't believe this boat has all the options but they went with a snap on cover. I hate it. The seat bulster isn't very comfy. These aren't deal breakers but I will be keeping these in mind as I look as equally priced boats. I need more info on the supercharged motor. It makes me a bit nervous. I think I want it though. Copy Dakota set up and be done.
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Originally posted by UNSTUCK View PostLocal to me? Info?
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Tigé Expert
- Oct 2014
- 1252
- Great Faces, Great Places--South Dakota!
- Used to have gangsta lean 24Ve; then GSA F24 Tomcat, now a 2016 Supra SE450. Onward we roll!
Originally posted by UNSTUCK View PostI went and looked at the black and white f24 I posted up about. In a word... Loved it. The only downsides are the snap on cover and the seats. I can't believe this boat has all the options but they went with a snap on cover. I hate it. The seat bulster isn't very comfy. These aren't deal breakers but I will be keeping these in mind as I look as equally priced boats. I need more info on the supercharged motor. It makes me a bit nervous. I think I want it though. Copy Dakota set up and be done.
Regarding the seat bolster, agree it is not the best. Here is what I did: I bought a surplus seat pedestal that is a couple inches taller. In fact, I wish I had even a couple more. From there, I sit on a throw cushion. Nice and high, just a bit over the windshield. I use the bolster only on rare occasions. I have even thought about getting some block foam and cutting a perfect fit thick cushion to keep on it. FWIW and IMHO, the factory driver seat is too low. The rest of the seats are great, and the upholstery is top notch.Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like bananas!
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Originally posted by dakota4ce View PostIts funny, I wish I had a snap on cover, and I would take the supercharged motor in a heartbeat! You want to work some kind of crazy swap? How many hours were on that pig?
Regarding the seat bolster, agree it is not the best. Here is what I did: I bought a surplus seat pedestal that is a couple inches taller. In fact, I wish I had even a couple more. From there, I sit on a throw cushion. Nice and high, just a bit over the windshield. I use the bolster only on rare occasions. I have even thought about getting some block foam and cutting a perfect fit thick cushion to keep on it. FWIW and IMHO, the factory driver seat is too low. The rest of the seats are great, and the upholstery is top notch.
I totally forgot to check the hours on the boat. It's not listed in the ad either. I'll find out today. I want to take my family over to look at it. It was parked right next to a Z3. I wanted to climb around both boats to get a good comparison but they wouldn't let me. The Z3 was not for sale, just in storage. So I can understand that. But being so close to both boats at the same time would have been a great help to me.
Originally posted by elevatedconcept View PostTaps 3 15 Z3 pricing tomorrow Unstuck.... Ill give you a ring.
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Tigé Expert
- Oct 2014
- 1252
- Great Faces, Great Places--South Dakota!
- Used to have gangsta lean 24Ve; then GSA F24 Tomcat, now a 2016 Supra SE450. Onward we roll!
Ahhh. Roger that on the bolster. Never noticed on mine, I am always firmly planted in the helm seat.
Sent from my iPhone using TapatalkTime flies like an arrow; fruit flies like bananas!
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Tigé Expert
- Oct 2014
- 1252
- Great Faces, Great Places--South Dakota!
- Used to have gangsta lean 24Ve; then GSA F24 Tomcat, now a 2016 Supra SE450. Onward we roll!
Originally posted by dakota4ce View PostAhhh. Roger that on the bolster. Never noticed on mine, I am always firmly planted in the helm seat.
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Sent from my iPhone using TapatalkTime flies like an arrow; fruit flies like bananas!
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Originally posted by dakota4ce View PostI would buy that snap on off you!
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Does anyone with a Z3 have the interior dimensions of the seating? How long is the observer's bench seat bottom, driver side bench seat bottom? How wide from backrest to backrest of those two benches? How high up from the floor are the seat? How tall are the backrests? How long and wide is the playpen at the widest/longest spots?
I took the family to look at the F24 last night. Two of my kids almost got lost inside of it! As I sat in all the different seats, I noticed the bolster is not that bad. When I sat on the observer's bench the first time, it felt really uncomfortable. This time I noticed it was just in that one spot, a foot or two back from the observer's seat. Seems the bench is a bit narrower at that spot than anywhere else. Everywhere else I sat felt fine. My wife really liked the driver's seat and helm. That's very important. She drives while I surf!