Here it is. a few pics from our first afternoon on the water. I'll have some thoughts in a few days. Pretty great so far but a totally different animal than the Z3 we traded in.DSC07612.jpgDSC07615.jpgDSC07621.jpgDSC07626.jpgDSC07628.jpgIMG_3662.jpgIMG_3663.jpgIMG_1579.jpgDSC07623.jpg
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2017 RZX 3
Originally posted by Z3CO23 View PostNice, I like the blue. Did you order it with the plug and play?
Yes, it does have plug and play. We have two outings on it so far. So many good things to say but there are a few cabin gripes. I'll make a longer post later on those and post some interior pics too.
Stay tuned. And thanks for the replies. It is great to share the excitement.