My design for a TAPS3-VX
Okay, so the NSS test is going to be more difficult than I planned. The trailer bunks extend beyond the back of the boat, so I need to trim those back before I can do a proper implementation. Even then it would be pretty tight to fit a NSS style in that location. The gap between the Vx and the boat is only about 3/16". That could be altered, however there is only about 12" in that location in which to fit the actuator. That is barely enough. It would be a challenge.
For now I am going to just try a smaller tab and try and extend it fully to 90 degrees. I'm starting to think smaller could be better.
The more I think about it, it's the water you don't see that is affecting the wave. It's easy to think that the water spray going over top is the primary culprit, however all it does is make the wave a touchy frothy. It's the water underneath that gives the wave it's volume. In my fifth video I talk about the "strange void" behind the suck gate. I think that void is what causes the water inside the wave to shift. (obviously working in tandem with the angle of incidence of the boat) So I am altering my approach somewhat. I'm starting to see why TAPS3 works as well as it does....
Okay, so the NSS test is going to be more difficult than I planned. The trailer bunks extend beyond the back of the boat, so I need to trim those back before I can do a proper implementation. Even then it would be pretty tight to fit a NSS style in that location. The gap between the Vx and the boat is only about 3/16". That could be altered, however there is only about 12" in that location in which to fit the actuator. That is barely enough. It would be a challenge.
For now I am going to just try a smaller tab and try and extend it fully to 90 degrees. I'm starting to think smaller could be better.
The more I think about it, it's the water you don't see that is affecting the wave. It's easy to think that the water spray going over top is the primary culprit, however all it does is make the wave a touchy frothy. It's the water underneath that gives the wave it's volume. In my fifth video I talk about the "strange void" behind the suck gate. I think that void is what causes the water inside the wave to shift. (obviously working in tandem with the angle of incidence of the boat) So I am altering my approach somewhat. I'm starting to see why TAPS3 works as well as it does....