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Anyone have an extra Acme 1433 prop laying around?

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    Anyone have an extra Acme 1433 prop laying around?

    Looking to buy an extra prop. Let my 10 y/o drive the boat onto the trailer, and needless to say, he missed. Banged it up backing off. Anyway, would be great to throw an extra one on and not have any downtime. I'm sure I will need it again in the future.

    I have a 2004 22V. If you have other suggestions, I'm open to them!


    I have a brand new 1433 that I put on and found that the clearance was too tight to my trailer. Took it off and put the stock prop back on.

    I have shims from boatmate, but I don't think they will give me enough clearance from the 1433 prop to the trailer, and still fit into my garage. Was going to try to put the shims on this weekend. If they don't give me enough clearance, my new 1433 never been in water will be put up for sale.

    Here's the link to a previous thread


      Ok! Let me know if that works, and what you would sell it for. I'll double check my clearance in the meantime. Thanks!

