So we took our boat out for a quick spin to make sure everything was fine. Dumb me, I didn't check the level of the transmission fluid or oil. I had it all serviced before winter with the same company as usual. Before putting it in the garage for the winter there was a large amout of pink fluid right after getting winterized. They said it was probably just antifreeze from over filling. As we were driving the belt came off(which we are getting the correct size belt this time, end of last year one tore and the place in the ozarks had to try and make due with this new one. Obviously too big. New one on order) I opened up the hatch and checked things out. The white container for transmission fluid was empty and I checked the oil which seemed low. Curious if possibly they just didn't put in the correct amout of oil? Also what reason for not having the transmission fluid half full? Didn't notice any mixture in the bottom of the boat to show a leak, just some rain water in the bottom. Bilge wasn't kicking on so have to fix that too. Ugh. Any thoughts? Taking it in tomorrow evening . Went super slow back to the dock shutting it off every little bit to not over heat. Was that ok to d? Boat sounded fine before and idle to dock, just making sure I didn't hurt anything.
Thanks! Sorry for the long post!
Thanks! Sorry for the long post!