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Retro fit Taps 3 Surf System

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    Retro fit Taps 3 Surf System

    I picked up an 08 22Ve this winter. When I was at the boat show, the dealer told me he could retro fit the Taps 3 surf system (without the rider remote) to my boat for $2,500.00. I wanted to know if anyone has already done this and how it turned out. Was it worth the investment?

    I understood you needed the newest Tige Touch system. So 2015 boats might be possible to retrofit, but not earlier boats. I don't know if they came up with some sort of manual controls for it.


      At the boat show there was a little box on the back of the 2016 RZ2 (about 3"x4" with rubber push buttons on it). The dealer said he would need to mount one of these boxes up at the helm.


        Originally posted by Pidcack View Post
        At the boat show there was a little box on the back of the 2016 RZ2 (about 3"x4" with rubber push buttons on it). The dealer said he would need to mount one of these boxes up at the helm.
        the stereo remote?

        to fit TAPS 3 it would need to be a 15' or a 16'


          If its true, then I would be interested in that project. Even If you just got the tabs, it would be worth while.


            I am just guessing here. $2500 has to be the price for just the tabs, and in the case of the boat having a compatible TigeTouch system that can add in the tab control easily. If you did not have the proper controller, then you are talking about quite a bit more money (to make it fancy, like auto retracting, etc) or a lot of fancy electronic controller knowledge and rigging something up.

            You could control the tabs with easy manual switching, just have to pay good attention to what you have going so that you don't wreck anything by deploying at too high speed, or deploying both, or something weird like that. Might also be tough to have it be very adjustable.

            For $4000, you can buy all of this done already with GoSurfAssist aka Wavemakers Wavecontrol and simply bolt it on. The tabs are probably more "scientific" from them anyway, and it is adjustable at the tab as well as the controller. Also wireless remote comes with it.

            Just sayin'....sounds miserable to reinvent the wheel if you don't have a '15 or '16 and the appropriate TigeTouch.

            But, if they have a $2500 system that comes with a controller to retrofit older boats with? Well then you are onto something!
            Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like bananas!


              Surf system boats aren't as good, I will say it over and over. They are fun, but the wave isn't nearly as good. I like them for teaching and kids. That's about it. For a 22ve, just weight it with the methods everyone uses and you will have a killer wave.
              Build thread:


                Originally posted by duffymahoney View Post
                Surf system boats aren't as good, I will say it over and over. They are fun, but the wave isn't nearly as good. I like them for teaching and kids. That's about it. For a 22ve, just weight it with the methods everyone uses and you will have a killer wave.
                I guess I'm a stubborn kind of guy. Right now I don't believe the best way to build a surf boat is to weight it and list it over till it takes on water. I think it require some sort of device to shape the wave and keep the boat levelish. This is where the compromise comes into play. I plan on building the biggest wave my boat will produce while keeping my family feeling comfortable and feeling safe. When those three things are met, you will have a great surf boat.


                  I run a ton of weight and I don't feel unsafe, but that is a good reason to put a surf system in. The rear transoms of 22ve is pretty tight, you will have to be creative, but you could always just install rams and plates. Unless you plan to switch sides while surfing there is no reason to use the smart systems. Steering can be hard, but it's about the same as a heavily listed boat.
                  Build thread:


                    How does Ragboy's assessment of the RZX fit into this discussion?
                    Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like bananas!


                      Sounds interesting, I would like to know the outcome of this... with pics I agree with Duffy in that surf systems should not replace ballast but be used as another tool to shape the wave. In my case, a gate has allowed me to run a LOT more weight which gave me a much better wave. The fact that the boat does not have to list as much may ease some peoples minds... but really its all about what gets you the wave you want.


                        and keep the boat levelish.
                        Im still looking for the surf system boat that offer this. Personally, im more comfortable listed then a bow high attitude.
                        Mikes Liquid Audio: Knowledge Experience Customer Service you can trust-KICKER WetSounds ACME props FlyHigh Custom Ballast Clarion LiquidLumens LEDs Roswell Wave Deflector And More


                          I will have a good idea in a few weeks. My heavy list 24Ve is now with StealthCowboy, and I will run 5000# in my MB F24 Tomcat with GSA. I have 4 small children, so the level attitude will be easier for them.
                          Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like bananas!


                            Originally posted by chpthril View Post
                            Im still looking for the surf system boat that offer this. Personally, im more comfortable listed then a bow high attitude.
                            X2 on that.
                            Wake Up or Stay On Shore!


                              The surf gimicks work. I have family that owns an Axis 20 - it's a mean wakeboat, built for purpose. I couldn't surf behind it unless conditions are perfect. They picked up those Mission surf tabs, and the boat picked up magic push powers in regards to the surf wake with all the same weighting. But yes, the nose is up in the air, and it's got a solid list. It was one of the factors in helping me decide to jump on a Z3 deal with Taps 3. I've only been behind it twice so far, but the simplicity of hitting a button and the boat doing all the work while my wife drives and looks good, makes me all kinds of happy. It felt like a leap of faith from an 08 24ve, but I'm impressed with the performance.



