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Fresh Air Exhaust Buy

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    Does anyone know if there are any installation complications with a fiberglass swim platform?

    Anyone install on a 24V yet? Any comments on how it is working out?



      I have not installed mine yet but the installtion with the fibeglass platform is pretty much the same as wood. The only difference I saw was the support bracket is one piece instead of 2 depending how many supports are used on the platform.
      Let it be!!!



        I'll be working on mine soon, I hope. I don't see where it will create any problems, but will be sure to blab about it if it doesn't go according to plan.

        I do worry about detaching the brackets from the swim platform - which has to be done to mount the support for the FAE. Screws going into fiberglass are notorious for stripping out. Hopefully, I do it right the first time.
        Be excellent to one another.


          My Fresh Air Exhaust came today. Fed Ex issue. If work cooperates it will be Saturdays project unless the wife overrides my decision and makes me drywall the Arizona room so we can use it as additional sleeping space in the house.

          Hopefully be testing it out Sunday Morning.

          talltigeguy -

          when will you be doing the install?
          Let it be!!!


            took mine out on Saturday, and it's a night and day difference. It's alot quieter and I didn't notice any performance difference. However I didn't do any crazy powerturns. There is some extra spray from under the platform, but it didn't effect the wake. I didn't get a chance to ride, as a thunderstorm popped up. So far I'm very satisified and can't wait to get behind my boat, and see how much better the Addictions sound with the FAE installed.

