Hey folks. I don't mean to be annoying with another thread but I've recently acquired a new to me 2001 21i Tige. I'm new to boating and new to Tige and this website has already been a huge asset in making some repairs and updates that have been due since I bought it. Anyway, engine has about 370 hours, and it was well kept in most ways but not well updated. So far I've replaced the steering cable and the ignition switch (which caused me panic on trip 2 when it started shorting) and I have plans to refinish the teak platform, replace the cabin speakers (arriving today, thanks unexpected free Sunday same day delivery Amazon) and replace the rear transom cover that managed to blow off on the freeway back from the first trip. I'm hoping to be home free *for a while* after that. Anyway, just thought I would introduce myself in case I hit any roadbumps along the way or end up needing any solid answers I haven't found to questions I come up with. I'm currently trying to determine if I have a sporadic issue with prop ventilation or possibly transmission slip during acceleration, (very occasional and odd) and why my TAPS system seems to work only inconsistently. Thanks everyone!