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Perfect Pass install question

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    Perfect Pass install question

    My wife just got me Perfect Pass for my birthday (today) and I plan to install it with a couple friends to help and just had a question about the best paddle wheel placement. On a Centurion I saw it on it is right in front of the water intake, but I want to know where it is on most Tiges. I have an '05 22V with the 340 hp Marine Power and a Dorsey Trailer, for bunk concerns.
    Thankks All!

    Happy birthday! That is a great present! Sorry, I don't know about the install question, but someone else will.
    Mike Allen, Tigé owner since 1997


      Right behind the bunk of the trailer on the opposite side of the water intake.


        Also, where should the control head go??? I was thinking next to the ballast switches which is where my remote for the stereo is and moving the remote...any ideas???


          Most go to the right of the steering wheel in the grey plastic trim panel.


            Since it looks like I will be moving my remote then, any suggestions on that, or just wherever I want it??


              Alright, installed the Perfect Pass today, went smooth but drilling that two inch hole in the bottom was a bit unnerving. I can not figure out if there is a place to put the remote for the stereo. It is one of the oval shaped Clarion remotes and the rest of the dash seems too curved for the remote to properly install. Does anyone know if one of the new round Clarion remotes will work with an XMD3 headunit???


                Check out this thread. Sorry that it is long, but you will find a picture of the perfect pass paddle placement and there are also pics of my dash (the same as yours) with the perfect pass and Clarion remote placements. The dash pic is not that good, but you can see the upper edge of the perfectpass dial in the lower part of the picture and the stereo remote is just to the left of that.

                Last edited by talltigeguy; 07-04-2006, 07:56 PM.
                Be excellent to one another.


                  That would be ideal except that is where the factory ballast switches are. I think I might be going without a remote for now.

                  We did get to try it out yesterday morning and wow is it nice not to have to touch the throttle. Don't know how I ever drove without it. I just need to get my GPS out to find out which speedo is correct though. The PP was about 3mph slower than the boat speedo...GPS should rule out the incorrect one to be able to fix it.

