Freshed up the platform today with Amazon's golden teak oil. Thought i'd share the before and after pics.
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Teak Swim Platform Refresh
It was my first time working with teak and that product, I just got a recommendation on the product and some tips from a family friend that's done it multiple times. It was very easy and simple to do. Basically my process was:
-Scrub it down with a nylon brush and water/mild detergent mix (dawn.) Wipe everything off.
-Sand it down with some 80 grit sandpaper and a block. Wipe everything off. (I only sanded the top side and sides, just scrubbed down the underside)
-Apply a coat of the teak oil, let it sit for a few minutes, wipe off the excess. Repeat this x3, x4 for the top side.
I used an old t-shirt (cotton) to wipe off the platform everytime, didn't want the lint fuzzies from a towel to get in there. I could've sanded it down again with a higher grit before oiling, but I didn't want the platform to get too slippery.
Looks great!
I'm working on my platform this weekend and will be sanding it down for the first time. I'm going to use the 80 grit as you suggest. Im also burning aTige logo into the platform (idea came from another forum member). Here's hoping I don't screw that part up....
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