A lot of folks on this site know we've been working on "something" involving wakeboats. It's taken longer than we ever expected, with all sorts of delays along the way, but it's finally done!
The main kickoff occurs tomorrow, but as a "Thank You" we wanted to give TigeOwners a sort of "pre-announcement" so you'd know about it first. We really appreciate the interest – and the patience! – that this awesome Tige community has shown. Hopefully the waiting was worth it. We think these features are pretty cool.
Feel free to ask questions, we'll keep an eye on this thread and answer.
Website: http://waketouch.com
Thank you!
The main kickoff occurs tomorrow, but as a "Thank You" we wanted to give TigeOwners a sort of "pre-announcement" so you'd know about it first. We really appreciate the interest – and the patience! – that this awesome Tige community has shown. Hopefully the waiting was worth it. We think these features are pretty cool.
Feel free to ask questions, we'll keep an eye on this thread and answer.
Website: http://waketouch.com
Thank you!