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No Tige Surf 'System'

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    I see three buttons, the bottom of which is labeled "DOWN". The top one has a shorter label, presumably "UP". The center round button seems to have a symbol, my first impression is that of a black flame with a rounded bottom. Perhaps it rotates through cruise control speed presets?

    Letting my mind go wild and giving away ideas: You could have a large display on the transom. The center button rotates through various parameters, while the up/down buttons adjust the one currently selected. In that way you could run a simple menu system with three buttons. The Tige Touch panel worked that way, for example.

    Any other ideas out there?


      Not seeing the point of this....


        The center button looks like the " power" symbol. Maybe to turn the surf lights on and off?!?




            The remote controls the VX…not the TAPS Plate!!


              Originally posted by Coop View Post
              It's not clear what this is, but it looks like it's just a remote that controls the TAPS. Is that it?
              The VX actually pivots up and down
              2013 Z3 - Electric blue and black


                Exactly!!! Can't wait to see one!!


                  So, does this actually make the ASR competitive as a surf boat? There were a few ASR shots but mainly Z3 and RZ2/4. To go head to head with the G23 they really need to get I working as a surf boat. It has the size, displacement, storage (possibly better than) the G23 but when Moms and Dads are buying the boats in today's market it better surf. If this does make the ASR favorable for surfing Tige's marketing department better get on it as they have a lot of current owners apparently looking towards other boats including the G.
                  "I think I am pretty smart for an idiot"


                    The center button looks like the " power" symbol.
                    Great screen capture. I agree, it's the international power symbol.

                    So... an articulated VX. Would be nice if it were articulated in two axes. That might enable Tige to switch sides quickly.


                      The boat still looks listed in the video, it'll be interesting to see this in person, but, it doesn't look like a toe to toe competitor to surfgate or NSS.
                      2009 RZ2, PCM 343, MLA Surf Ballast, Premium Sound.
                      2013 Toyota Sequoia 4WD W/Timbren SES


                        It's better than surf gayte'...

                        I personally don't give a RATS A*SS if I can switch sides quick just to surf another wimpy wave

                        I want an adjustable BIG A*SS wave. That's it..that's all I want...
                        Last edited by MooseX; 09-04-2014, 03:49 AM.
                        my midlife crisis started at puberty and I plan on enjoying it all the way to the end..


                          Originally posted by Ewok View Post
                          The boat still looks listed in the video, it'll be interesting to see this in person, but, it doesn't look like a toe to toe competitor to surfgate or NSS.
                          I agree, boat definitely is still listed. I've read all the comments and watched the video several times and I'm so confused as to why they didn't do exactly what WA suggested, have two different axes. It seems like the VX is just a giant secondary taps plate. I'll save my judgement until I actually see real world video or see it in use personally. I'm not blown away right now.


                            You already have that moose, this thread is talking about a surf system to compete with surfgate and NSS, I'm surprised this is their system, without a formal introduction and without any more details on what it is or how it works, and the remote is a gimmick, you can't "see" to adjust the wave when your riding it. To dial in my wave I have to cut way to the flats while holding the rope as I tell the driver to speed up, slow down, taps up, taps down to fine tune it for the day. I don't think people would actually be able to see the changes when they are on the wave.
                            2009 RZ2, PCM 343, MLA Surf Ballast, Premium Sound.
                            2013 Toyota Sequoia 4WD W/Timbren SES


                              Big as* waves come from lots of ballast and hull design. This will enhance the wave, but it's not ground breaking. It's pretty cool though.

                              My buddies were surfing a g23 last weekend that was running 5k in ballast. Which is a lot! I run around 3k. Which is a lot!! Again the wave seems mushy, but the flats have crazy amount of power! Wave is very different then mine. I like this better, but again this isn't gonna get me to buy a new boat. My buddy owns a z3 and my wave is still better. He doesn't have custom ballast or anything, but still mine is better. Which makes me smile Keep on rocking 24v!!
                              Build thread:


                                Originally posted by duffymahoney View Post
                                Big as* waves come from lots of ballast and hull design. This will enhance the wave, but it's not ground breaking. It's pretty cool though.
                                I agree with that, but I will add one thing. When the VX is adjusted just right, it doesn't just enhance or shape the wave, it sucks the boat down making a bigger wave. Its pretty darn cool, and for whatever reason it doesn't seem to cause any extra drag that hurts fuel economy. So we speed up a bit, the suction keeps the wave huge and the wake is ROCK hard, no mush. Which is why RJ has been boosting so much on our wave in the last few months.

