While a quick switching system is the crowd favorite that influences boat purchases, it however produces a terrible wave. Being on Lake Austin I've had a chance to surf a wide variety of boats. The boats that use devices at the back of the hull to switch sides produce a wave that is tall, long and goes almost straight back. The wave has very little hook or angle in relation to the boat. You find yourself riding on your toes more and the wave is flat. It's just not a fun wave to ride compared to a boat that utilizes weighting one side. There is usually a lip that runs right up the middle of the wave and the top is washed out. The only quick switching system I have not ridden is the new Mastercraft. I'm dying to try it out and the wave looks nice since it rolls to one side.
I chose to purchase another Tige after giving several boats a fair shake. My wife and the majority of my friends surf on the goofy side. Switching sides easily/fast is one of my priorities. However I still came right back to Tige. The hull design is why the boat makes such a phenomenal wave. The bottom of the boat acts like an airplane wing turned upside down. It creates lift just like the wing of a plane, however this lift is negative and pulls the boat down in the water displacing more water with less weight. Another benefit is the water flows off the rear of the hull with much less turbulence than other hulls. The convex hull just makes a butter smooth wave with less weight. While it was said above Tige needs a dedicated R&D team crunching scientific data, it shows in their hull design they have a deep understanding of fluid dynamics. With that being said I would love to see a hull extension split in two with a flexible membrane between the two extensions. Then add the ability to control the individual halfs of the extension to roll the boat just like the ailerons on a plane. I think that would still deliver the same wave with a fast switch. Maybe if I get drunk enough I'll break out the reciprocating saw on my hull extension and post some videos of the results.
I chose to purchase another Tige after giving several boats a fair shake. My wife and the majority of my friends surf on the goofy side. Switching sides easily/fast is one of my priorities. However I still came right back to Tige. The hull design is why the boat makes such a phenomenal wave. The bottom of the boat acts like an airplane wing turned upside down. It creates lift just like the wing of a plane, however this lift is negative and pulls the boat down in the water displacing more water with less weight. Another benefit is the water flows off the rear of the hull with much less turbulence than other hulls. The convex hull just makes a butter smooth wave with less weight. While it was said above Tige needs a dedicated R&D team crunching scientific data, it shows in their hull design they have a deep understanding of fluid dynamics. With that being said I would love to see a hull extension split in two with a flexible membrane between the two extensions. Then add the ability to control the individual halfs of the extension to roll the boat just like the ailerons on a plane. I think that would still deliver the same wave with a fast switch. Maybe if I get drunk enough I'll break out the reciprocating saw on my hull extension and post some videos of the results.