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No Tige Surf 'System'

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    I really think this is going to hurt Tige in the long run. I always thought of Tige as the wake surf boat(if I surfed 90% or more of the time I would probably be in a Z3). Then they go an chase the big wake boat design which is dominated by slammed Xstars, Malibus, Axis and now the G23. This endeavor into the wake market with the ASR doesn't look good as of now.

    Over the past 10 yrs a lot of people chose Tige because of the benefits of a Convex hull and TAPS. I believe these are the same types of people who would buy a surf system from Tige but now they are leaving Tige for other brands.


      Does anyone have the numbers on the surf market? Ragboy? meaning is surfing still growing as fast or faster? Is a boat being boat soley for surf only now? or is multi sport the sweet spot?

      I guess I am torn and agree with many. I dont find myself in a rush. but the ability to adjust on the fly surf or wake faster to even my boat out for a better wake period appeals to me. I still carry pop products to even my boat out for wake, because again it takes time to fill and clean up a wake.
      2011 Tigé RZ4


        Originally posted by CarFanatic View Post
        I believe that tige has a world class surf wake, and that listed is the way to achieve it. The two top surf boat company's both list centurion, and tige...
        I've seen a video ( I was NOT on the boat) of a Axis T22 with the extra plug n play ballast and that things wave looked pretty damn good.

        What makes a " class surf wake"? Serious question, I'm not trying to stir up anything, just curious as I have had a hard time dialing in our RZ4's surf wake and the wakeboard wake has been horrible. Absolutely love everything else about the boat. It's an older RZ4 and not a newer Z3, but any boat for our family needs to do both.
        Sent by the random thoughts from the voices in my head... Eric


          We were actually talking about this exact thing the other day. A properly weighted Tige will match up against just about anything out there. It takes weight and listing. They don't really need a "surf system" like some other boats. But in the real world the fact that everyone else has a surf system in a very competitive market really almost makes it mandatory to have one. If you don't your falling behind. For the "keeping up with the Jones'" factor alone they need a system. I can tell you after seeing this from a sales side that all the other manufacturers are going after Tige for this as customers who are "shopping" brands quickly ask what is your surf system or why is there no surf system. It is hurting and will only get worse, IMO. The other dealers are using as a huge selling point against Tige.



            Are the waves on these 'switch' boats all that good? Every vid I've seen the waves look weak. I challenge all of them to have a Z3 quality wave that switches quickly

            Personally my favorite new wave 'systems' are Centurion's CATS hydralic rudder> Shapes the wave on demand

            and their RAMFILL 29 second initial fill time

            Although TIGE def' needs to pick up the pace with more crossover capacity. Ragboy...3 crossovers damn! I've got one and it rocks
            Last edited by MooseX; 08-05-2014, 03:12 AM.
            my midlife crisis started at puberty and I plan on enjoying it all the way to the end..


              No Tige Surf 'System'

              I'm sure internally tige is has always been torn on this one.

              Historically the largest Tige brand differentiator is the convex hull, and the benefits of the convex v have been routinely ingrained in their language since I can remember. Even their surf system is branded as an extension of the convex V. Hell I have stickers all over my r20 that say convex this-or-that. So to introduce a drag system like everyone else would effectively be discounting the equity in these efforts as well as the design of every hull. They would essentially be contradicting their own brand story. That is a huge deal marketing wise and possibly one of the biggest internal barriers for releasing such a system in my mind.
              Last edited by supremedevice; 08-05-2014, 03:28 AM.


                I remember years ago , one of tige's big marketing theme was for wakeboarding ,that they produced a world class wakeboarding wake with no ballast ,,no expensive tanks bladders etc .how things change , I don't personally care about surf systems as per say , just more to go wrong and expensive to fix , I personally like simple switches and pumps , that's why I am seriously looking at a supreme s21. 2800# ballast and a price under 65k CAD , which is crazy cheap , and no computerized screen and easy to find fuses !!!!

                Sent from my HTC One_M8 using Tapatalk


                  I can tell you my experience. We owned a 2002 tige 23V. It was a great boat but required a TON of weight and list to get a decent wave. I installed Enzo sacks in each locker but still had to run another 500lbs on top of surf side seats plus 400lbs in the bow. My wife is goofy and I am reg. It took 20+ mins to switch sides. With adults that's not such a big issue but with kids on the boat, forget about it, bored senseless. My wife didn't grow up around boats and was extremely uncomfortable driving a heavily listed boat. We mainly go out with the kids and not with a bunch of other adults.

                  Last year we decided it was time to upgrade boats. (Note: dealership did come into play at a point but not because of brands.). We wrote out a list of needs and wants. Number ONE on my wife's list was no more listed boat! She literally would rather get out of boating than drive another listed boat. Number two was an easier ballast system without bags everywhere. My list included pickle fork, easy ballast and clean wake at low speeds. My boys are 8 and 10 and are really getting into wakeboarding. I really wanted another Tige. RZ2 to be exact. Unfortunately my wife's first need automatically eliminated Tige. We talked about it numerous times, nope not happening, no list. I tried to convince her that the wave was world class and much better than many other brands. Enter my enlightening moment. My wife says "You're not a world class surfer and never will be. There are boats that produce great waves and still meet our family needs." And there it was, reality set in. If we were going to get a new boat there would have to be compromise.

                  We started researching boats and demoed an Axis A20 and A22. The A22 with surfgate met all of our needs and most of our wants. We ended up selling our 23V and ordering an A22 with SG. We have 30 hours on her now and have never had more fun on a boat. The wife is actually excited to drive the boat! I can fill all the ballast as soon as we hit the water and drop the wedge. The wave produced is more than enough for us. If I am out with better surfers then I can fill extra bags and the wave becomes very nice. The only downside so far is there is less of a lip than a listed boat but we can still list if we want the lip.

                  Long story short. A gimmick surf system ended up being the ticket to this family getting a new boat and having more fun than we've ever had. My guess is there are a lot more buyers like us than hardcore surfers.
                  Here is a pic from yesterday. Not the biggest wave we could make but a very fun one. Also not the best pic quality. Sorry


                    I bought a Tige for styling and GPH efficiency.I've surfed the systems and listed boats. I prefer a listed wave. I would however consider a new boat if the Ballast fill and switch times were under 5 minutes for "real" surf sacs.A tsunami pump will fill a 750 lb sac in under 5 minutes.
                    I do all my own stunt work. hey ya'll watch dis.


                      Back when I owned a Tige'... The Surfgate came out and I was all about preaching the "list boat wave is way better" then, I bought a Nautique for quality and GPH efficiency and then had NSS installed before delivery. Our non-listed wave is better than our old wave. The people who swear by "listed waves" are typically those who have to list their boat to make a wave.


                        out of all the surf systems out there the g23 probably puts out the best wake. But it comes a a hefty price.


                          I will say this, I (or RJ or both) have been on all of those wakes and several are good wakes, G23, A24, T22, Bu 237, Supra SC 450 with Swell, etc. I can honestly say the wake on our Z3 right now, is the best it has ever been and its the best wake out there. Yes, I am biased, but we had a good hand in this. So when you get the opportunity to help shape the wake, and its adjustability, of course its your favorite. But it has exceeded our expectations. Look at the pictures in the other thread I posted.

                          Goofy and Regular, each as good and as easy to make.

                          It can be steeper and lippy with tons of pop.

                          IMG_0300 by wake9, on Flickr

                          IMG_0040 by wake9, on Flickr

                          Or it can be mellow.

                          IMG_0506 by wake9, on Flickr

                          IMG_4939 by wake9, on Flickr

                          And yes, it has LOTS of push.

                          IMG_9718 by wake9, on Flickr

                          All of the above pics were the SAME setup, Z3, new VX and Taps, wake9 ballast bags, nothing else but people. I can surf and have video of me that far back riding forward. I did it the other day, and documented it, with just Jesse, RJ and Thomas on the boat.

                          We only adjust TAPS and speed and sometimes a bit more or less opposite weight when we speed up to 12 for that massive hard wake. And we do it all day at around 4 GPH.

                          This VX and TAPS should be available on the new Z3s and Z1s along with a new Surf X system, that will be the best stock wake out there, 850 lb bags instead of 350.

                          All that to say, Tige may or may not be working on another system. I can't speak to that, I have not been able to really discuss our wake, til now.

                          When there is a system that gives me a wake like that with reasonable economy, it will definitely turn my head, but for now, the Z3 and the Z1 are the best I have been on.

                          This, by the way, is our Z3, and the Woodard Z1 that is the prototype for the same setup on the Z1.

                          IMG_0924 by wake9, on Flickr


                            Love this discussion!! If you really want to get some info and learn a ton about surf waves then by all means you have to attend the Polar Bear event put on by wake9... I am positive this will be a big part of the discussions going on out there


                              I have a 2014 z1 and demoed almost everything before my purchase the tige wave in my opinion was the best on both sides. We surf 90% of the time and only wanted a boat for surfing when it came down to it it was tige and centurion and the tige had a better wave on both sides. I had an a22 before and think any boat that floats is a good boat so I'm not dead set on any brand. A lot of these brands make a good wave but my tige does what I want and is consistent every time!ImageUploadedByTapatalk1407263753.468739.jpg


                                z1 stock wake with pro ballast, and vx is awesome

