I downloaded the lastest touch manual before I commence the lastest updated on touch. From the manual it seemed the profile can control the tap as well. Does anyone know it really true and will the tap start back to normal and then go to preset level step by step once the desired speed is reached. The reason i ask because tap once set at high level before start will not be a good shape for the wake.
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New tige touch can control tap
You have always been able to set taps in a riders profile in the Tige U. It doesn't so much control it as it sets it to a desired position just like it sets the ballast and the speed. It just sets it to that level when the profile is activated and doesn't move it around like the launch feature on other boats. Atleast for 2013's it didn't. If thats what you are talking about its nothing new.
So the Touch should operate a Launch Type feature? My 2013 would set it to the preset position and that was it. Didn't bring it to 1 when it was pulled out of gear. Wonder if their was an issue with my system?