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Does your reverse SUCK on your 24VE?

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    BTW Mudduk, you're not a real boater until you have dinged a prop or two and ran out gas

    Congratulations on your new purchase and welcome to the forum. I look forward to hearing more from you.


      I back up by putting it in reverse for about 2 sec. then put it in neut. Let it coast . then repeat it. If it starts to get a little sideways I just put it in forward for a split sec and it straightens out. As for picking up people at the dock I usually back up and let them get on the swimstep. I turn the boat at a aprox 140 degree angle to the dock and then put it in reverse and it backs up straight. If I need to tie off I head bow in at about 15 degrees from parallel with the dock when I get the bow about 2 to 3 feet from the dock put it in reverse and the stern will swing in and your done. Enjoy the new boat. You will get used to it and it will become easy.


        Re: reverse

        Originally posted by mudduk
        new to forum, new to boating, never drove an inboard befor I bought a 2006 21i about 2 months ago. Also I have almost no boating experience. We just came back from our 5th weekend in Havasu and I now have the reverse down. I can back that thing staight, or against the pull of the prop. 2 ways. the sloow way: turn the wheel opposite off the prop pull and go very very slow, or the fast way: wheel still turned opposite the pull, reverse hard for 1 to 3 seconds then throw into neutral, and coast. time it and gas it right you can back strait, or left.

        our second weekend out I launch at a very small ramp and got too close to the rocks and hit the prop. not bad but cost $190 to fix

        thanks again for the gas Wakehavasu

        Hey we met at Cat Tail!

        Hey you paid for the gas!


          Reason for the skew

          Our great Tige dealer, Matt of Boats of Nevada, described the angle of the fins having to do with keeping a little bit of constant pressure on the steering wheel while driving. If the fins weren't slightly skewed you would constantly be moving the wheel back and forth while driving to keep the boat straight.


            With the walking system its very easy to dock on the starboard side.

            Come in parallel to the dock, pull a U turn and put the nose right on the dock, put it in reverse and the back walks right to the dock. With some practice you will have that down to a science.

            When manuvering in tight areas what I do is, keep the safety ring up and just rock from forward to reverse.
            Common Sense is not so Common
            Looking for fat chicks for long walks, romance, cheap buffets, and BALLAST.

