As summer starts winding down I've been reviewing some of our thousands of photos from the most recent season. In addition to "kneesurfing" (which I posted in another thread), we lowered the threshold for the youngest surfer behind our boat. The record before this was two 4YO girls I took out on the board with me, but this year my 11YO son took out the 3YO nephew of a close friend and neighbor. This was the first time my son had ever had another person on the board with him but he made it work perfectly. The best part was the next time my son's turn came up in the rotation and he started for the swim platform, the little 3YO jumped right up and said "Hey, it's OUR turn again!" He hadn't seen my son surf alone before so he presumed that when my son went out, so did he!
My son's hand waving here was him giving me instructions on how he wanted me to change the wake (more speed, change the TAPS, etc.). We had backed off on the intensity a bit since we didn't know how things would work out for 1) my son taking up his first passenger, and 2) the 3YO on his first ride. But my son knows what he likes and knows how to dial it in.. he's not afraid to be a backseat driver!
My son's hand waving here was him giving me instructions on how he wanted me to change the wake (more speed, change the TAPS, etc.). We had backed off on the intensity a bit since we didn't know how things would work out for 1) my son taking up his first passenger, and 2) the 3YO on his first ride. But my son knows what he likes and knows how to dial it in.. he's not afraid to be a backseat driver!
