Originally posted by dom w. forte
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2013 Tige Z3 or 2013 Nautique 230 TE
Do they have the same or comparable engines?? If one boat has a bigger engine and they are still basically the same price then I would get the bigger engine. Engines are big $$ items in boats. If they both have basically the same size engine, both have NSS and/or convex VX then I would say you are splitting hairs on which one to get.
Do you think that one looks better than the other? Color and color schemes do more for you than the other one?? What about sound system, that is also a big $$$ item. Does one boat have a much better sound system than the other?? What about ballast systems...are both ballast systems comparable or does one boat have a bigger ballast for the same price. The teak flooring in the Nautiques is freaking killer though, Tige needs to come up with something like that.
I just bought my first boat a couple months ago and probably went through many of the same questions you are asking yourself. Spending a lot of money want to make the right decision. I ended up buying a boat from the closest dealer to me which was 4 hours away. Might be a mistake, only time will tell...but I will tell you that for my next boat I will look at local dealers a lot more closely. Driving 4 hours one way if there is a part recall and/or some service that needs to be done doesn't make much sense to me IMHO. So is one dealer a lot farther away than the other dealer?? Might want to consider that.
All that being said though, I had already pretty much sold myself on a Tige, the dealer didn't have to sell at all he just needed to give me the right price. I bought from a Tige dealer 4 hours away when the Nautique dealer is maybe 45 mins. away. But I think that the Z3 has a better surf wake and it looks better overall IMHO in comparison to the 230. If we were talking about the G23 then I might have a different opinion.
I still not sure how the Z3 and 230 are priced almost the same. I would have thought you could get the Z3 for cheaper for a similar equipped boat. Are you getting your price on the 230 from No Wake marine in Cincy??
Edit: what about under water LED's? that is a really cool option to have. They both have the underwater LEd's. I am alo a big fan of the Alpha Z tower. So many lights in the tower also and you can change their color. You can also change the color of the under water LED's. Might be a stupid option to some but I think it is pretty damn cool.
Where are you from?? There are a lot of cool people on this forum. I am from Dayton, OH and already met somebody on this forum, he has helped out with maintenance on my boat already, we have surfed together..it is pretty cool. There is a get together that a bunch of tige owners put together out west that sounds like it would be an awesome time. You can see pics and thread about it in the general discussion. What are the nautique forums like?Last edited by ironpeddler; 08-12-2013, 04:50 PM.
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^^What he said about 5 paragraphs down. How are the 230 and Z-3 in the ball park? Only way I see is Tige quoted at MSRP and Nauti at cost. I was just quoted mid-high 90's last week for the new 2014 210(not 230) and I know I can buy a Z3 for under 90K. Heck I talked to a guy who just ordered a 2014 Z-3 in the high 80's. So that is 10K less than I was quoted for a 210 from Marine Max. Please tell me where I can get a 2014(even a new 2013)230 with NSS for high 80's and I will gas up the truck.
So either you are getting a 230 for cost, or someone is taking you for a ride on the Tige. If they are even close on price. I bet if I went and hit my 2 local dealers TODAY, there would be 20K difference.Last edited by boardman74; 08-12-2013, 05:14 PM.
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Originally posted by Av8tor View PostDo you see newer Nautiques and Tiges coming in for many repairs? I know when you own a boat or a while you will have issues from time to time, just like a car. Just wondering if you see more of one than the other?
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I had both. Boats side by side last weekend and love both. The walk through bow is a good feature. The tower is higher but the walk through height under Bimini is lower in the 230 than Z3 a real issue for someone around the 6 foot mark? Also a small difference is the plastic drink holder pockets look weak? By far the biggest interior difference is how deep the Z3 seating seems to be compared to 230. IMO better seat configuration in 230 something I'm sure will change down the road.
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I've owned both Nautique and Tige. Both are excellent boats. I prefer the Tige styling,handling,fuel economy and initial cost. But the Nautique is just as reliable and has good resale too.It's a tough choice.One only you can make. Good Luck!I do all my own stunt work. hey ya'll watch dis.
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Originally posted by robert theisen View PostI've owned both Nautique and Tige. Both are excellent boats. I prefer the Tige styling,handling,fuel economy and initial cost. But the Nautique is just as reliable and has good resale too.It's a tough choice.One only you can make. Good Luck!
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Congrats on the boat.
I had a similar though much less expensive decision 9 years ago.
I had to decide between the Tige 22i or the Nautique 216. Could not afford those fancy V drives.
Both were within a couple of grand of each other.
For me the deciding factor was the dealer.
The Nautique dealer operated out of a converted home and garage and the Tige dealer was in a proper retail space with a shop.
Also I got a really good vibe from the Tige dealer and so that's how I ended up with a Tige.
I actually really liked the Nautique more but a good friend of mine who owned lots of boats before told me to shop the dealer first and the boat second.
I'm sure things are different down in the US where the dealers are larger and there are more of them but up here in Canada we are very limited in the choice of dealers and they are generally very very small shops.