seems to be mis-firing and running poorly at idle to low speeds a little better at higher speeds but still sound different. I have only had the boat this year and still getting use to it. Just wondering if anybody has anything that I should to/check?
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poor running pre 2200v wt 1998
I just purchased the boat in may, I have had a couple odd issues. It over heated due to the impeller blowing up on the owner before me and never removing the pieces. I had the boat running ok after that but it seems sluggish. I have been working on it myself and just wondering if there are anything's that I can check to make sure everything is ok. I did treat the gas after I filled it, I keep it docked at a lake and we have been having a lot of rain.
I have a 350 mag engine, it was a consignment boat from a local boathouse. They had sold the boat new in 98 and I am the 5th owner, they changed all the fluids and said that it ran fine. I am just wondering if I can do anything easy to see what the issue might be. I did not know if it could be the gas, it is at half a tank and I have been using STA-BIL in the gas. I will see if I can get plugs, and a fuel filter and check the wires.
There's a stupid little ignition sensor inside the distributor under the rotor that has been the cause of many a woe for mercruiser owners. It was finally updated to the new potted design in 2005-6ish, so it should be updated if it hasn't been done already. Here's how to tell without having to open the cap: there are two wires that exit the back of the distributor that are white/green and white/red. IF there is a third wire and it's black, the unit has already been changed out but if your distributor just has the first two, replace it. SENSOR ASSEMBLY (#87-892150Q02) and double check firing order (1-8-4-3-6-5-7-2 clockwise looking down on the distributor). Could you also please post the serial number, that way I have all the info I need for what type of induction it is.Fixing everyone elses boat just so I can use mine...
boatwakes: thanks for all the help..... engine sn#0608529. I am not able to check the distributor until this weekend as I have it docked at the family lake house. I will be installing a new filter and plugs this weekend to see if this will help with the issue, I also keep over heating and I will be replacing the thermostat as I think this might be the overheating issue the boat does not have a sea strainer but I will be installing one of those as well. Any other preventive maintenance suggestions are welcome as I would love to have an event free rest of the summer.