Hey guys long story short I bought a 1997 Tige 2150wt with 118 hours of craigslist that had been sitting for a year or so but the owner assured me he de-winterized it and it ran great. I thing I got a really good deal but dont care just really wanted a tige. Anyway took it on the lake two weeks ran great but started kinda hard like a typical carbed motor. This last sunday however the boat ran great and through a huge surf wake all day I am very impressed with the TAPS system and the wake considering the year and size of the boat. After about 2 hours we turned the boat off and tried to start it again and it would not start. We had put 14 gallons in the boat and didn't think we had used that much but we had ballast and were surfing so we thought we maybe ran out of gas the gauge was wrong due to the fact that the jets in the carb were not spitting gas while trying to turn the motor over. So we got a gas can from a tow service and tried to crank and and same thing, no gas flowing into the carb. Any advice is GREATLY appreciated. Thanks, Ray. Here come the pictures: