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    The best reason for gun control is to keep criminals safe.

    Studies prove over and over that gun control laws result in more does Washington not get it?
    Be excellent to one another.


      Originally posted by talltigeguy View Post
      Studies prove over and over that gun control laws result in more does Washington not get it?
      But only in THIS country for some reason. If we want to keep our guns and our rights, we have to figure out how to tame the homicide rate. I personally don't believe that more gun control will fix that issue so we really need to focus (as a community/country) on how to start fixing the people issue since a person is who is pulling the triggers.


        If they ban our guns, we will have to go this route.

        Dewalts answer to home protection that doesn't require a registration or license. This nailgun can shoot a 16-D nail through a 2x4 at 200 yards and in case of a home invasion you can Nail their azz to the wall. I'm not saying it won't kill the perp but they won't get away. You can also help friends build a fence 2 blocks away while sitting in your front lawn. This is trule how you adapt and overcome so thanks Dewalt.
        Attached Files


          Originally posted by Timmy! View Post
          But only in THIS country for some reason. If we want to keep our guns and our rights, we have to figure out how to tame the homicide rate. I personally don't believe that more gun control will fix that issue so we really need to focus (as a community/country) on how to start fixing the people issue since a person is who is pulling the triggers.
          I think I recently saw a study that had the same effects when London went hog wild with gun bans.

          I love that Dewalt Gun! That brings up the point that homicidal maniacs will use whatever they need to for their purposes, even if they can't find a gun.
          Be excellent to one another.


            Originally posted by talltigeguy View Post
            I love that Dewalt Gun! That brings up the point that homicidal maniacs will use whatever they need to for their purposes, even if they can't find a gun.
            Of course that gun isn't real but it is fun!


              Originally posted by talltigeguy View Post
              The best reason for gun control is to keep criminals safe.

              Studies prove over and over that gun control laws result in more does Washington not get it?

              they don't want to get it because it conflicts with their agenda... the eventual disarming of every law abiding citizen.


                For all of the talk you hear about the NRA, you would think it was 100 million strong. Nope, just 4.5 million or about 1% of our population. This proves that the squeaky wheel gets the grease.
                Membership is up 250k though since Newtown.


         Home of the Fastest Diesels!




                      So its on cnn or the news so its gotta be facts? I dont beieve either but i dont put it past either! The government is corrupt

                      LMAO the lady even calls out the AR15 LMFAO.. Stupid... Good thing it wasnt a bad bad bad 2005 GMC box Van with diesel fuel and feralizer.. Again the AR15 Didnt kill anyone if this indeed happened. The crazy fool killed the kids!

                      Atleast he backs all his stuff up.. He is a doer and we need more of them.. Media is a bunch of crooks
                      Last edited by Wickedcummins; 01-15-2013, 11:53 PM.
             Home of the Fastest Diesels!


                        Originally posted by Wickedcummins View Post
                        So its on cnn or the news so its gotta be facts? I dont beieve either but i dont put it past either! The government is corrupt
                        A cover up of a cover up of a cover up.


                          I'm pretty good with photoshop. I can go and make fake dates on pages and put them out there as "screen captures" and then claim that Google, Facebook and others changed them after they found out. One can also tweak pictures to make people look similar to others. Conspiracy theories can be made out of ANYTHING because we are human and we aren't there in person and every person sees something a different way even when they witnessed the same thing at the same time.


                            I agree but I wouldnt put this past the corruption in the white house for even a second.. Its a dirty world... But damn that dude would have to be bored out if his mind to get all that stuff done.. Just sayin
                   Home of the Fastest Diesels!



                              History repeats its self
                     Home of the Fastest Diesels!


                                Very interesting video. Makes one say hum?
                                Wake Up or Stay On Shore!

