Many statements in this thread are opinions. I believe the men who wrote the constitution and amendments were extremely smart and I agree we in the second amendment that we have the right to bear arms. In my opinion they could only been able to see into the countries future so much and if assualt rifles were available and their underlyinf use was hunting and personal defense I doubt assualt rifles would be included. Just my opinion.
The military hypothesis is to me a scare tactic. By oath all military personel take one of two oaths to to protect us from foreign and domestic enemies. If our military tried to over the government the number of civilians and peace officers would not have a chance if the Army and Airforce through the coup unlike 1791 when the second ammendment and bear arms basically was the same playing field for civilians and military.
Assualt weapons imo should be banned. The average civilian could not hit the broad side of a barn. In basic USMC training at 100 yards recruits who undertookbasic M16 familiarization and such missed the big fat target and in the first rounds of firing there were enough maggies drawers to clothe a small nation.
Assualt weapons are a killing tool that has a firing rate that surpasses a semiautomatic bolt or lever action non assualt weapon which are weapons used to hunt critters for food and provide some protection.
In the NIU shooting an assualt rifle was not used. He used two pistols(a 9mm glock a a 9mm SigSauer) and a shotgun, Other attacks did use semi Automatic assualt weapons but I have not found if they where modified or not.
For what it is worth assualt weapons should have a distinct definition and have a detailed background check, a three week wating period for them as well as clip based pistols like the Glock and SigSauer. The limted restrictions we do have nee to be enforced a gun shows so that legally the playing field is the same. This will not lockdown all assualt rifles because of the black market but hopefully with a mandatory background check, and a waiting period may help the matter. When purchasing a new weapon a check of their FOID card should be done and if more that three years have passed then another background check may be called for.
IMO assualt style and sniper class weapons should be banned. They have a key purpose which is to have a high cyclictic rate of fire and to kill indescrinately.
To set the record straight I support a citizens right to bear arms, but for the better good a definition of assualt weapon and ease of modification by a gunsmith to adopt them to full automatics should be defined.
I own 2 safes related to my rifles and shotguns(plugs always in.)
and a seperate hidden safe for ammuntion in the house.
My reference to kids is that in 2008 one of my daughters went thruthe NIU ordeal. She was sitting in on the ocean science class in the lecture hall when the shooting started.
So yes, for obvious reasons I would like to see state and federal regulatins barring new sales of assualt weapons put into place, better background checks, a waiting period and followup background whenever their permit own firearms expires.
The military hypothesis is to me a scare tactic. By oath all military personel take one of two oaths to to protect us from foreign and domestic enemies. If our military tried to over the government the number of civilians and peace officers would not have a chance if the Army and Airforce through the coup unlike 1791 when the second ammendment and bear arms basically was the same playing field for civilians and military.
Assualt weapons imo should be banned. The average civilian could not hit the broad side of a barn. In basic USMC training at 100 yards recruits who undertookbasic M16 familiarization and such missed the big fat target and in the first rounds of firing there were enough maggies drawers to clothe a small nation.
Assualt weapons are a killing tool that has a firing rate that surpasses a semiautomatic bolt or lever action non assualt weapon which are weapons used to hunt critters for food and provide some protection.
In the NIU shooting an assualt rifle was not used. He used two pistols(a 9mm glock a a 9mm SigSauer) and a shotgun, Other attacks did use semi Automatic assualt weapons but I have not found if they where modified or not.
For what it is worth assualt weapons should have a distinct definition and have a detailed background check, a three week wating period for them as well as clip based pistols like the Glock and SigSauer. The limted restrictions we do have nee to be enforced a gun shows so that legally the playing field is the same. This will not lockdown all assualt rifles because of the black market but hopefully with a mandatory background check, and a waiting period may help the matter. When purchasing a new weapon a check of their FOID card should be done and if more that three years have passed then another background check may be called for.
IMO assualt style and sniper class weapons should be banned. They have a key purpose which is to have a high cyclictic rate of fire and to kill indescrinately.
To set the record straight I support a citizens right to bear arms, but for the better good a definition of assualt weapon and ease of modification by a gunsmith to adopt them to full automatics should be defined.
I own 2 safes related to my rifles and shotguns(plugs always in.)
and a seperate hidden safe for ammuntion in the house.
My reference to kids is that in 2008 one of my daughters went thruthe NIU ordeal. She was sitting in on the ocean science class in the lecture hall when the shooting started.
So yes, for obvious reasons I would like to see state and federal regulatins barring new sales of assualt weapons put into place, better background checks, a waiting period and followup background whenever their permit own firearms expires.